Romans 8:38-39

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Romans 8:38-39 – For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any power, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Good Monday morning to you, we pray your weekend was restful, safe and enjoyable. As we start this week’s devotionals we what to present a short, simple, but powerful idea for us all to get our juices flowing as we approach this week.

Please re-read today’s scripture. Then proceed below.

From God’s stand point, it appears that we have a lot to be thankful for. On his end, the scripture lets us know that there isn’t anything in all creation; ANYTHING, that is powerful enough to separate us from the love that God has for us and that he has excessively shown us through his Son Jesus Christ. Now…..

With that in mind, what is it from our end; our side of the fence that is stopping, hindering, or stealing the response that we should be giving to God for his love towards us? If there is nothing that can stop God from loving us (i.e. providing food, shelter, clothing, jobs, cars, health, sanity,….. oh and that other thing – salvation) and having his love shown to us, what is stopping YOU? Why can’t we show God our love, appreciation and gratitude for he has already done for us? Why is there something able to stop us today?


Today we wanted to be short but allow our minds to meditate on our ability to express our love for God. Especially as Christians, we shouldn’t have anything that hinders or separates us from being able to praise, worship, give thanks, love or obedience to God. He hasn’t nor will he ever let anything separates us from his love; don’t let anything do that in your life toward Him! We pray that this gets our hearts in the right place as we begin this week looking at how God isn’t fair. That’s right, I said “God ISN’T fair”. So you don’t lose your mind, I will leave you with this thought; what have you earned in your life as a fair exchange for God’s love, grace and mercy? Take this journey with us and you’ll see why God’s unfairness is such a great benefit to you and all those who would come to believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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