Romans 8:37

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Romans 8:37 – No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Defeat is a state of mind. We often feel defeated when something hasn’t turned out the way we had envisioned. We can become down on ourselves and give up hope. One of the crippling facts about defeat is it’s based on self-infliction. No one commands you to stay down when situations go wrong. No one can really keep you down unless you surrender to them. We become defeated when we surrender to the wrong forces of oppression in our lives that look to destroy us.

Why do we stay defeated? It takes a humble and open person to answer that question for them self but one thing would point to us! WE are a huge participant in our own defeat. You may be thinking, “I never purposely try to make myself suffer or be defeated”. I submit to you these questions; how often have you leaned on your own power or abilities to get you through a situation? How much energy have you expensed trying to get others to go along with your program to no avail? How stressed have you been to find out that you have no one to turn to for help? How many times have you said, “I’ll take care of it myself” and you just didn’t have enough in the tank to pull it off? If you’re like me, you’re probably shaking your head at each of these questions and thinking of specific things that you’ve done related to each point. That just means you’re human and flawed like everyone else. We have an innate desire to succeed – but by our own merit, strength and efforts. The problem we all have is that we all need help. Most times when we get help, it’s from the wrong sources and it only leads to further hardships.

In our Christian lives, we are afforded the opportunity to be free of these defeats! Instead of continuing down the same roads of life that end up in heartache, resentment and strife, we can live worry free of all things because we know that with God’s help we can & will overcome all obstacles.

There is a greater benefit for the true believer in Christ when we rely on God’s help in our lives. The scripture says that we are MORE THAN conquerors. Simply put, whatever the definition of a conqueror is in any situation in your life, you (we) are more than that!!! That’s a powerful statement! It rings ever true when we handle our circumstances of life with a godly prospective. Instead of being defeated because of the lack of resources to pay our bills, you cast worry to the side and rely on the truth in God’s word to carry you through the situation and then work out for your good (Rom. 8:28). You’re more than a conqueror because of your faith in the unseen God. You obediently put your trust and hope in Him and it forges a confidence that even modern conquerors would envy. As a conqueror defeats his enemy in battle with the help of his army, you defeat the trials of life, schemes of the enemy and ultimately the sting of death with God at your side. You are immortally charged as a victor. Thank you Jesus!


Today, we pray that you see your situations and circumstances as nothing to be defeated by but another opportunity for God to show you how great He is and how much He loves you! You can be so much more than you are with God as your aid, director and protector. The question then remains, do you want to be defeated continually in this life or become more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ? We pray that none of us have to keep suffering defeat after defeat before we make the proper alliance with God – but it is only through his son. Be more today by the power of Christ in your life. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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