Romans 5:8

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

How far does your love go? To what length will you go to show someone that you love them more than life? I would guess that most of us as children grew up with a crush. We wanted that person to know our truest and deepest feelings for them. The intensity of our love wasn’t of what some would call “the puppy love” nature, it was genuine, it was real, it was love.

So what happens over time? We get hurt, we experience heartbreak, we deal with the loss of love. All of these things lessen our ability to showcase love in such a vulnerable way ever again. We hold back from those who try to show us love and we think that others have an ulterior motive if they try to show us love. The lines between love and pain become blurred. The desensitizing of the meaning of love gets polluted and we can’t recognize when true love comes our way…. Or if it ever comes back to us again.

Today’s passage hits me right in the gut because it’s amazing to me how we view love and to what lengths we would go until we’re hurt and how God views love and displays it to us.

God has to be amazing! God is amazing!! Let’s view this from an angle of YOU being all knowing, all powerful, let’s just say that YOU are God for a moment. Let’s say that you created a people that you knew were going to be disobedient to you, they wouldn’t serve you faithfully, they would continue to keep doing evil in your eyes, they wouldn’t love you unless you did something for them first…..let’s just say you were in control of the thing you created but it kept doing the exact opposite of what you wanted and knew was good for them to do. Would you send your son to be mistreated by them and eventually die for them so they could have a relationship with you again? Seriously, think about it.

I think it is safe to say that our humanistic nature would be in the mindset of “Forget these people, I will punish them all for what they have done, they are not deserving of my love!”…. oh, or is that just me???

God already knew that we would be sinners and retched people. He knew that as the world grew in time, wisdom and modernization it would become that much more evil and stray further away from Him. He knew we would murder His son and He knew that many wouldn’t believe in His words. So why did God still send his son to this world of sinners????

It is simply because God loves us!!! God loves us even as nasty as we are, were and can be. He still had knowledge that not all, but some will still come to love him and he knew that his love through sacrifice would be the ultimate demonstration to the world that His heart for us couldn’t be refuted. God loved us before we even had a chance to be created. As he thought about making us, he fell in love with us. It was real. It was genuine. It is LOVE.

The love God has for us sees us as we truly are; helpless, naked and needing comfort. It sees us even in our nasty, dirty, horrible and sinful state as something he loves sooo much, to the point of giving up someone as perfect as Jesus – FOR SOMETHING AS IMPERFECT AS ME & YOU! Who do you love like that?

I think it’s safe to say, if we had the perfect whatever, we wouldn’t think twice about giving it up for something defective. That’s why God’s love so superior to our and his love is total completeness. Love is giving up your brand new toy for an old, beat up, ran down, toy that just came out of the trash which is 10 years old.

Today we pray that you can identify with the love God has for you and I and be moved to get to know that love a little bit better. He has already made his sacrifice to show you he loves you, what are you going to sacrifice to show him you love him just as much? Be different for God, we loves you too much. In Jesus name, AMEN!

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