Romans 3:23-24

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Romans 3:23-24 – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Do you believe you’re a sinner? This is a very key and pertinent question when it comes to our salvation and who we think of ourselves to be. I know you might be thinking, “I help little old ladies cross the street” or “I don’t curse or lie or steal” and this may be true. However, what do you think about in your mind? Sin isn’t just things that we can do in the physical or that can be readily seen, there is sin of our minds too; the nastiness of our inner thoughts that no one can see but God. How sinless (clean) do you think you are now?

The honest reality of it is that no one on the planet Earth is without sin. We were all born into a nature of sin so the capacity and capability to sin is on us from birth. Don’t believe that? Have you ever taught a baby how to lie or be disobedient? I didn’t think so. It’s already in us. Needless to say, we’re doomed from birth in having a connection with God. God is a perfect being. In him there is no sin and there are no stain on his brilliance. To engage with the Father, to gain access to him we would need to be perfect too. The scriptures ring true when they say that “no man has ever seen the Father”. We are dirty, nasty and filthy human beings that can’t look upon such purity and not be destroyed. Our ancestral heritage, the blood line of Adam and Eve courses through each and every human on this planet and because of that we were eternally separated from the Father when sin was introduced into the world by our ancestors. It’s called a generational curse and they still happen today. Ever seen a long line of substance abusers in a particular family? The children of an abuser subsequently follow in the same cycle and it keeps being passed on to the next generation? Well sin is just like that. We have followed in our ancestors footsteps even until today and have been affected as they were by sins destruction – a broken relationship with God.

In all of that negativity, God still had a plan. Knowing that we would never hit the mark of perfection that was needed to be able to come into his presence or have a relationship with Him again, he gave us his perfect Son to be our atonement for sin. One of the most beautiful love stories to ever happen in the history of mankind. Jesus Christ’s significance is coupled by a few things but we’ll address one today. The blood sacrifice that Jesus made for you and I made access to God available.  How so? When Jesus was murdered for his people it was as a pure, holy and clean sacrifice for sin. The Lamb of God as he is known, was the atonement for ALL sins of man – past, present, and future! The PERFECT sacrifice.

The perfect blood of Jesus covers those who otherwise (knowingly & unknowingly) would be seen as sinners in judgment to be seen as pure and clean by God. Let me make it simplier. When we accept the blood of Jesus as our payment for the sins we’ve committed (and yes we’ve done them all), God no longer looks at us and sees our nasty, filthy, dirty selves, He sees the purity of Jesus flowing over and covering you – He only sees Jesus’ payment. The purity/perfect blood of Jesus restores what was broken. It allows us to be able to stand in the presence of God with confidence and sinless beings. Perfection needs to be in the presence of perfection and we can’t do it without Jesus!

Today, we have to look at ourselves in the mirror. Either we will look at this as opportunity to get our situation right with God or carelessly pass over these truths and believe whatever we want to believe. I submit to you today, if you know yourself to be a sinner, a person who can’t stop their sinning ways no matter how hard you try, you may want to get connected to the one who has already paid for your sins. If you don’t believe you sin at all and they you’re a “good person”, I implore you to look again!! No one is perfect, but the grace of God we have a perfect sacrifice that will take away all of our sins, if you only believe he can, did and will in the presence of God. What do you hope in today? We pray that your hope is rooted in Jesus Christ! If it isn’t, let’s connect today to get some questions answered before you have to pay for your own sin. Knowing yourself means you know how much you really need the Savior Jesus. Let’s accept the perfection of Jesus Christ’s blood and meet the mark set to be back with God again in heaven! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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