Psalm 82:3-4

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 82: 3-4 – Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

We all have an obligation to live a life of gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately not everyone lives in that truth nor exhibits a lifestyle of gratification in our daily dealings. Nevertheless, we find that if we can take the focus off of ourselves throughout our day, we can still get in-line with godly practices.

Being a (conscious) upright person does more for your spiritual outlook than you can possibly imagine. Let’s examine it for a moment; even if you struggle with giving up or the surrendering of your life to God, you can still make the effort in various ways. A life of service is one of those ways and it makes trusting and seeing God in your life more accessible.

With a will and true desire to be better as expressed to others who are less fortunate than yourself, in worse circumstances than yourself or even less spiritual than yourself, you are fulfilling God’s will in showing a genuine love and concern for people through your service as Jesus did for us .

I know what you may be thinking, how does this apply to my mistakes, my lack of wanting to do God’s will, or put me in a better place with God? It’s simple! You are showing God your willingness and availability in wanting to be better for His sake by meeting people’s needs. He won’t let your efforts be in vain (especially if you’re genuinely doing it for Him)! When you defend, help, stand up for, or rescue those who are unable to fend for themselves, God will speak to you through them (maybe they’ll say something like “wow, God sent you to help me” or “I pray that God sees the kindness you’ve shown to me”) or He will speak to your own heart (which is the Holy Spirit reassuring you that you are pleasing God, because it is absolutely honest, genuine and free from personal gain). Either way, God uses those situations to help us recognize his presence and think of him more often in situations, which in turn He uses to build a desire in us that wants to connect more deeply with him. It’s a lifelong process, some get the concept faster than other, but don’t you want to get there?

Today we want you to focus not on yourself but on what you can do to or for someone else to strictly show God your willingness to defend, serve and help his people. If your relationship with God has taken a hit or hasn’t got off the ground, focus on how you can be upright to others in God’s presence – he will build the rest of your relationship as you desire one with him. We pray this word inspires change and refocused intentions in your life from now on. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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