Psalm 18:1-2

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 18:1-2 – I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock,, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

When we think about what keeps us going or why we’ve made it to the places we are in life now, we have to think about God and his hand over our lives. What has purposed you to be in your particular situation today? Was it your own mindset? Was it a bit of luck? Was it a revelation? Needless to say, we’ve all had various encounters that have shaped and directed us to the places we now stand. When we consider God as the ultimate orchestrator of our lives, we see an aspect of his provision that should encourage us.

Have you noticed how easy it is for your plans to come unraveled? Ever thought you had something in the bag and it all falls apart? Or maybe your situation is nothing ever really goes right in your life and you find yourself looking up to the heavens, with tears in your eyes asking God for his help and guidance? We seems to understand innately who God is when our human power (or so thought) fails us. The reality is that we have no power at all but until we understand that, we will never be able to truly appreciate our scripture for today.

It would appear that we have to go through various situations in life before we recognize that we don’t have much say over the outcome of our lives. Circumstance to circumstance we get chipped away at and made vulnerable in the understanding that our lives aren’t under our own protection. We can’t save our own lives, we can’t make ourselves successful, we can’t make others love us and we can’t stop ourselves from sinning. This sounds so defeating but it is the place that brings us humbly to the foot of the cross of Christ; the absolute realization that we can’t count on ourselves and that we need a great source of security in our lives.

Many put there hope and trust in their wealth, some put theirs in their children, and still other put theirs in family and friends or relationships. The problem with all of these things is that they are based in the reality of the failures of mankind. They are all bound to fail you at probably the most opportune time. However, when we understand who God is to us and want he’s wanted for us and see how he’s always been there – even when you don’t deserve it, it should shift our focus and begin to restore joy in our hearts.

God has never let us down. Even as we think back over the things we wanted but never got, that may have been God protecting you from something that may have harmed you or worse, taken you totally away from him. He has given us security in his promises and confidence in his authority over the world. There is no greater fortress to reside in. As we truly embrace this truth, it is easier for us to praise God and tell him how much we love him.


Today, it begs the question: what are we relying on for our strength? Who have we turned to for our security? Is it our own selves (who’ve let us down countless times) or is it God, who when put in his rightful place of priority is the one who has never let us down? We will never be able to appreciate God’s hand of protection in our lives if we’re unable to submit to building our lives on his principles and teachings. There is only one Lord who is able to keep us when everything around us if falling down. If you’re not rooted in him or his strength, you could be setting yourself up for a huge downfall. We pray today that you begin to see God’s strength and your own weaknesses so as you submit to the greater power of God, you can rest in the comfort of His protection – not your own. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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