Psalm 143:10

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 143:10 – Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

What do you want to be when you grow up? We all have had a dream, thought, or aspiration to become something or someone in our lives. We all have had the hope to achieving something special while we live; something that leaves a mark and impression on others. When you figured out your great desire, what did you do to accomplish that goal? I think we can all attest to researching that particular career or job. We figured out how we needed to go about making that our living reality. We studied and took classes, we got insight from experts in the field, and willingly submitted ourselves to internships or even non-paid opportunities just to learn the intricacies of the trade. Why? Simply because we wanted to learn and be taught how do a particular thing. If we have this much dedication to the things of this world, how much more should we be willingly be desiring to know the will of God for the eternal longevity of our souls?

As believers in Christ, we should be students wanting to learn as much about our Savior and King as possible because we’re trying to be like him, right? If you wanted to be an athlete, you’d most likely hang with athletes, workout with other athletes in your field, and carry yourself as an athlete. Now what if that athlete you’re following, hanging out with,  and learning from was the ultimate authority in athletics; considered the only one who should be authorized to teach on things athletic. What kind of results could or would you expect from your diligent learning from this person? Needless to say, you would learn how to be a well-balanced, well-rounded, and exceptionally equipped athlete. Well this is exactly what we can expect from our God as we ask for his teachings to be prevalent in our lives. Not only can we expect to learn God’s will for our lives but we can be assured that we will be well-balanced, well-rounded, and fully equipped students of His words and teachings that will help us be able to do every good work we would want to accomplish!

Today the question would be do you have a desire to be like Christ? Do you want to be taught how to please God in this life? Is that the career move you are wishing to accomplish in your lifetime? If it is you will allow and desire his teachings, instructions, and guidance to be in your life.

We pray that as you mull over this idea that you begin to make decisions that have greater implications on your life than any mark you could ever make on your own knowledge. Let the benefits of learning the ways and will of God propel you into a career that has greater significance than any career you could ever have or imagine. There is one teacher who’s teachings leads to eternal life and when we learn from Him, we learn from the only authority on the matter; we learn from the best. Who are you learning from today? What kind of spiritual results are being produced from what you’re learning? May your knowledge of God’s will produce an abundance in your life that is balanced and rooted in Him. If your not learning from Him, results may (and will) vary. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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