Psalm 139:13-14

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalms 139: 13-14 – For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

What do you KNOW about the God we serve? It’s amazing how intricate he is with us and how every nuance about us is laid bare before him. In God’s attention to us, there isn’t any deficiency that he is worried about nor does any question about you make him nervous to answer. Each and every one of us is that important to him and he’s familiar with every aspect of who we are!

In relationships we think that there is something wrong if one person in the relationship can’t answer a question about the other. Have you ever been in that awkward situation where a couple is speaking to a group of friends and the dreaded question of what’s his/her favorite color! Yikes! A bead of sweat races down the husband’s forehead and he says, “Purple”. A quiet storm comes over the wife. The words of disappointment are in her eyes and you know you’ve gotten it wrong and you’re definitely in trouble! To add injury to insult, she exclaims, “Well, well, well, I’m glad I know that your favorite color is green!!!” What just happened? The intimacy of the relationship revealed that there was a small but real deficiency. One person didn’t know something about the other…..the horror!!!

Seriously speaking, this is the situation we can find ourselves in with our relationship with God. God knows everything there is to know about you. It is a testament to His love, care and total attention he has for you & I. What about us? Shouldn’t we want to have the same familiarity with God as he does with us? Shouldn’t we strive to be so connected with God that we instinctively know what he wants before we read his word?

How does it make you feel when you can’t answer a question about the one you claim to have a relationship with? Do you feel embarrassed? Do you feel inadequate? Does it make you want to learn as much as you can about that person? Well it should! In our relationship with God we should continually want to learn as much as we possibly can about our God. We should have a deep desire to be about to answer any question that others ask us about him. Honestly, because he knows us so intimately, as Christian followers who are commissioned to live by Christ’s example, we should be exhibiting the same want of intimacy with God.

Today our prayer is for us as a body of Christ to desire the same intimacy with God as he has for us. The mindset to get deep and intricate with God to experience a love that is unlike any other but is exactly a reflection of his own love for us. Let’s go deeper and when we do, praise from our core will be uncontrollable and the most authentic we’ve ever had. All praise goes to the One who knows us best and loves every nuance about us. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!

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