Psalm 139: 23-24

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 139: 23-24 – Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Do you really want to be seen for who we really are? Do you know about your inadequacies and just don’t want to get help with them? Are you scared if others know your dirty secrets, they’ll use them against you? Is your favorite excuse, “that’s just the way I am”? When was the last time you totally opened up to someone and was real about your situation?

Many things hinder us from being at our fullest potential. Unfortunately most of the time that hindrance is YOU!!! We don’t want anyone to know our hurts. We don’t want others to know our fears. We mask and hide our deficiencies and try to live up to the standard that our life is “perfect”. I have a news flash for you; no one’s life is anywhere close to perfect!

One of the issues with our human race is we can intellectually understand that we’re not perfect but we can’t comprehend at our core nature its significance which in turn makes us unaffected by the reality. This piece is essential because if we never get real about our situations; that we need help in this life, we need direction and we need correction, then we will never see a need for Jesus Christ in our lives. Why would you need a perfect sacrifice if you don’t truly believe and know you’ve done something wrong?

Each of us on the planet Earth needs a Savior; the one and only Savior who paid for all of our sins. Without his sacrifice, we would have no hope for a future or relationship/fellowship with God.

Us, without Jesus, could never step into the presence of God. We are unclean, have loads of baggage we’re carrying around with us in our hearts and hate to have our true selves revealed before people? How real would we be before God if we can’t admit we need cleansing even right now?…..and if you did admit it in front of God without Jesus, it’s probable too late for you get that cleansing you needed – i.e. you don’t cleansed at all! That’s not a good place to be!

If there was ever a time to be open and have your heart, mind, body and soul evaluated, that time would be now! Don’t wait until it’s too late to recognize you need help. God can search our hearts and reveal things that we don’t want to discuss or deal with or even things we know that should be dealt with. We should desire to have his hand working in our lives so that we are continually renovated and being perfected by the power of Christ working in our lives as we look to be obedient to his words.

Today we want to encourage being open with those who are in place to help you, listen to you and assist you in getting past various hurts, disappointments, setbacks and harbored feelings. We pray that you allow God to do a search on these and other areas of your life. Get your relationship right with God now while you still can. Don’t let your feelings and pride distract you from having Jesus take away those things that will separate you from a relationship with God. God wants to help you into your everlasting and he’s provided a way….so let the search begin so you can find yourself right where God wants you in the end…..not where you’ve lead yourself.

Have a blessed day and be encouraged to be amazing. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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