Psalm 119:114

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 119:114 – You are my refuge and my shield; I put my hope in your words.

What do you put your hope in today? Many people on this planet put our hope in things that aren’t secure at all. We put our hope in our finances. We put our hope in our relationships with people. We put our hope in material items. Even as I list these things out, I have to take stock of myself in various areas of my life. Even if I’m not overtly placing my hope in these same items, how high in regard do I place them in my daily life? I know I have and want to do better! What about you?

I don’t profess to saying that these things in themselves are bad for us. To be honest, at times these things are necessities (sidebar: be a good steward over what you do have or receive). What I’m speaking of is when we allow these things to make us feel secure or confident in this life. This is a dangerous place for us all! When we look to things that can easily be taken or destroyed, we run the risk of being depleted ourselves. We can easily be made to feel empty without these possessions and even worthless because we lack these things. We are vulnerable at best. We don’t have anything of substance to stand on nor are we optimistic that life is to be any better. The “woe is me” attitude sets in and we are crippled in our minds, our actions and we eventually become numb to life. We don’t want to love anymore. We don’t want to work hard because we don’t see the use if it can be gone so easily. We resent what others have because what we’ve been given isn’t good enough…. in our own eyes. Ultimately, we lose our hope! We become ruins and are trampled relentlessly by the trials of life.

On the other hand, when we shift our focus away from “things” we stand at the doorstep of reality. We get a renewed sense of that which matters and prayerfully it reshapes our attention. We fall down afflicted but then we look up. Recognizing the weight of this world’s stress and that it can be alleviated starts our resolve. We look to God; who has promised rest and peace in him. The hope is that as we continue to place our anxieties, worries, stresses and heartaches on the alter; God will care for us in destroying the burden these things provide. God provides a safe haven for us. He guards our minds from the thoughts that would normally entrap us into thinking there’s no way out of the situation. He shields us from the restless torment that these items inflict on us. And we trust in hope that his words are true. For those who are submitting to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ they are our rescue!!

Have you ever had a really pressing situation that was overwhelming to deal with? Let’s say a wedding for example. So many things to do, so little time to do it and even less assistance in being able to make it all come together. Then along comes a friend who says, “Let me handle this for you, don’t worry anymore about these things”. Now, you know all that needs to be done, but you trust and put your hope in this person to take care of everything. You don’t know how they’re going to do it all and there may even be some uneasiness but your hope is that it will all turn out right. In the end, they’ve come through! Everything is flawless and running like a well-oiled machine. You are grateful!

This is the same way we can look at our hope in God, but how much more?! Our God can never lie or go back on his promises – people can…but I digress. When we give God our EVERYTHING, he says that He will handle it. We relax in his word and although things get uneasy, we trust he is going to do what he has said. The cares of this world and all of its “things” lose value and we concentrate on what really matter – Jesus Christ being revealed! Then it happens, He comes through. Through it all, we had our hope in his ability to do any and everything he has promised; and he has. Shielded from concern and resting in his refuge, we delight in the outcome. We don’t reach this level until we are fully surrendered to the Father and put our all into trusting in his words for our lives.


Today, we pray that you are not filled with the emptiness that the world has to offer, but secure in the refuge and hope of God’s word which lacks nothing nor will ever leave you feeling depleted. Let us refocus and be comforted in that which will never let us down. Thank you God for your words of promise. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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