Psalm 105:1

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalm 105:1 – Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.

We all love to share when we get something new or when someone does something for us. We get all giddy inside and even have a glow about us because of someone’s generosity or thoughtfulness. It’s a wonderful feeling that you want others to experience and share with you. It’s very inclusive and your job to let everyone know surely gets done.

So when we think about the goodness of what God has done for us in our past, how he’s continuing to do for us in our present and what he has in store for us in our future, how does it make you feel?

Do you feel the uncontrollable urge to share that with others? Do you want others to share in and experience your same joy and happiness? Do you readily show it off? Well I hope you do.

Christian family, let’s not get caught up with the tangible things of this world that we get and give them more attention in our lives. Don’t get in the habit of showing off the stuff that will be destroyed in the end anyways. Our focus and mindsets should be on the things that God has and continues to do for us! There should be a genuine desire to express that to everyone we know so they too can share and experience God’s goodness.

Today we want you to make time to praise God and make what he has done known….to ALL! Yes, it is nice and you should be grateful for the things that are done for you; however don’t let those meaningless and destructible things overshadow God’s incorruptible goodness in all that he’s done for you!

Be mindful of what you still have TODAY and if you woke up this morning, it’s a good time to start letting the world know about OUR GOD!! Have a blessed day. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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