Psalm 103:13

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalms 103: 13 – As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.

When I was a child, I could remember my mother saying to me “I brought you into this world, I can and will take you out!” or “I will knock you into the middle of next week!” Now, I’m not sure about you but the thought of waking up to a new day….in which I missed an entire week of life, kind of scared me. Although this produced a fear in me, it was moreover to build up a respect for my mother. It wasn’t truly meant as a “scare tactic” (or so I hope) but to help me develop the boundaries I needed and help keep me in line so I wouldn’t stray too far from the path she wanted me to walk. Since my mother was able to let me know about her power and might, it made me respect what she had to say, it made me do what she thought was best and overall it made me love her values that have shape and protect me even today.

Well God is the same way. God is almighty, all powerful and all loving. He lets us know about his power and what he could do to us because he wants us to learn his principles and be shaped by his values. His love for us doesn’t allow him to stand by and keep letting us disrespect him! Just as our parents, he’s giving us warnings to spare us from what he should do & eventually will have to do because of our disobedience!

As we grow older, we let our parents know that because of their teachings we are better and we love them for that. It produces in them an indescribable compassion for us as children….. because we have made our parents happy & we were obedience; not out of “FEAR” but out of knowing that what we were being told to do was from their “LOVE and “PROTECTION” for us.
Our desire and want to fulfill God’s will shows our obedience and unleashes God’s compassion on us. Today we want to stress the fact that there are benefits to a healthy fear of God. Allow them to rule in your life.

We pray that we can all stop disrespecting God so that he doesn’t have to come through on his word to “really” destroy us, as he will do to those who keep disrespecting him. Move forward in that knowledge and fear God with hope today. Have a blessed day. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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