Proverbs 31:30

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Proverbs 31:30 – Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world”. “Any man would be lucky if he had you by his side.” “God broke the mode when he made you!” Such beautiful words and even more appropriate for that love of your life. However, have you ever known of a woman with this such beauty but couldn’t hold onto a relationship? Has that beautiful woman ever been the subject of ridicule or regret? Wait, what??? Not the beautiful one!!!!

The problem isn’t the beautiful woman. Her exterior is a gift from God that has a specific use which God had in mind. The problem is that we see her beauty and assume that she’s not a sinner too. She has no flaws. She is a delight to behold and her attraction is magnetic. The reality is she is in many ways like every other woman on this planet. Unique in her design, but fundamentally flawed at her core like the next. We give so much attention to the physical when in the end; it will be done away with. Her attributes that ensnared men or crippled them will all fade in due time. We look at her from the outside in; making an assumption that since she is perfect on the outside, she must the same on the inside. This is a big mistake. We must never forget that which is seen will get old, it will wrinkle, and it will pass away. No matter if she or he is beautiful; it will only be for a short period of time.

Instead we should look at what our parents, mentors, and close friends have suggested time and time again; to look at people from the inside out. Although we may have this physically beautiful specimen in front of us, they could be as rotten at their core as the next person. This goes for male or female. We want to be attracted to that which is hard for a person to loose; the beauty from within. Have you ever noticed that you never really care about a person’s looks when they are a genuine kind-hearted, sweet, and loving person? There’s a reason for that! Your attractions has matured to the point where you know that this person is someone who will always be beautiful because they will always be themselves and that’s what you want – authenticity.

In the same way, for the woman (or man for that matter) that has a healthy and grateful love for the Lord, she will continue to shine and be a beautiful beacon of light for all to see. Her attraction is electric. For the man who wants the woman of his dream, he finds her irreplaceable. Her commitment to God and obedience to his word make her the rarest and most prime candidate because her beauty is unmatched; her beauty is from that which every human being has in them (but neglect to use); the beauty of humble heart, a quiet spirit and an surrendered life for God’s will. Are you embracing the beauty that God has given you or are you letting it get wrinkled, old, and unattractive?

Today we pray that your beauty from Christ is shining bright and people are attracted to God because of how beautiful you are. Not by your looks but the by the look of Christ all over you. Looks are fleeting but the heart for God will always be beautiful….not only to people who may see you, but to God himself! Have a great day, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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