Proverbs 16:3

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Proverbs 16:3 – Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Feeling frustrated? Your plan for your life not working out as you expected or wanted? Feeling all hope is lost? Well it happens. The issue becomes what are you doing to inflict this pain, heartache and stress on yourself?

We as humans are known to get beside ourselves in the capacity in which we believe we have life figured out – until we get hit with a curveball and then we’re in a daze! Once we realize what’s happened we’ve fallen on our faces and have been unconscious for way too long.

By a show of hands (yes, I’m looking), how many of us have made plans in our lives, careers or ventures and they haven’t come to pass? Why is that? Is it because you lack to the capacity to follow through on your vision? Is it because you lack the resources, connections or knowledge to get the job done? Or is it simply something you just can’t explain because you’ve done all that you’ve seemingly needed to do?

In this life, even if we don’t believe it, God has a unique and beneficial plan for each and every one of us. The problem is when we don’t line up with God’s plan (and you’re chosen by God to do his work) and we keep trying to do things our way, he has to put a halt to what we want so we can get in-line with what he wants us to do or how he wants us to do it.

This happens when we make decisions without giving it over to God first. Before we do anything we should be saying “God I want to do this thing, however, if you have something else for me to do, please close this door and open the doors that you want me to walk through.” When you put God in charge of your life plan, you have a greater opportunity of achieving the goals that God has for you.

Take the stress off yourself. The reality is if you could make your plans come true 100% of the time, your personal drive and ambition would probably help you get there. The other side of that coin is that you can’t see what your life plan looks like, you just are hoping that you’re on the right track.

God has your game plan laid out. Whatever it is you want to become or do in life, commit it to the Lord first, either he will bless the way you’re going or put you on the right path. Either way, YOU WIN!

We pray that you revise your foundation of planning and begin placing God in the place where he can establish his solid base for your future. Welcome to hump-day all. Make it great. In Jesus name, AMEN!

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