Proverbs 16:25

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Proverbs 16:25 – There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

Have you ever been called stubborn? Has someone tried to give you advice only for you to say thanks but no thanks? Do you feel saddened when you try to give a loved one direction that you know will help them but they keep continuing down the wrong path? Why is it so hard for us as humans to take good advice?

We all want our voices to be heard and our opinions to matter. Sometimes I must admit, I just don’t want to do it someone else’s way because it feels like I’m inferior and incapable of taking care of myself. Well depending on the decisions I make, the reality is that I may not know how to take care of myself and I could be putting myself in greater harm than I can see.

How do you take advice from those who are spiritually mature in the faith? How do you take advice from leaders in your church? How do you take the advice from your pastor? Are you hurt or offended when someone gives you the direct word from God’s bible? Do you believe that your knowledge of life is more detailed, intricate or understood than God’s?

Sometimes we have good ideas and sometimes we don’t. It is a part of this life that we all have to deal with. However, how you deal with being corrected in this life will lead to peace and growth or hardships and setbacks. We have to get to the point of understanding that we don’t know everything. For every bit of intelligence you believe you have, just remember there is a nuclear chemist out there who’s a little bit smarter than you. We can all learn something from one another and our shared experiences will help us to grow together in the peace that God has for us.

It’s time to stop resisting and start accepting truth. Truth that we all need help. Truth that we are all inferior. Truth that we are never going to figure this life out on our own.

Don’t lean on your own understanding and think that your way is the only way or the right way. Don’t be blind to your own potential downfall. Today we hope you are moved to think outside of the box and take what is good from others as they try to help you and encourage you in Christ. If people are genuinely concerned about your life and the road you’re on, maybe you should be too. We pray that you hear the help which is available to you and be willing to accept that which will benefit your life in Christ. In Jesus name, AMEN!

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