Proverbs 11:2

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Proverbs 11:2 – When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Today’s passage is simple and pretty straightforward. I won’t belabor the point by making this a drawn out explanation of what the scripture is trying to convey to us. However, I will concentrate on the application that it has for you and I in our daily lives.

What happens when we are puffed up with ourselves? When we are proud beyond our accomplishments? It doesn’t leave room for anyone to give us compliments. Why? It is because we’re so full of ourselves, there’s no more room for anyone else to add to us. The problem with this type of individual is that they are always under the eye of scrutiny…. And everyone’s waiting to see you fall. This disgrace is the product of our arrogance.

We must remember that God humbled himself to the point of putting on flesh to be able to relate to his people. He (God) made himself a servant and even washed his disciple’s feet! He is God, why is he washing the feet of horrible, detestable and sinful human beings? It was simply his display of the humility that’s for us to model in our lives as his children. Jesus could have easily pulled everyone’s card and been like, “don’t you know who I am, y’all better figure out who’s going wash my feet or else!” Had that happened we wouldn’t have a perfect example of humility but a vision of a God who isn’t what his word says….thus it would bring about disgrace and shame to the name of God!

When we are humble in spirit it brings about clarity and purpose. It allows us to live free of what we or others think and helps us to truly understand that we’re nothing that God hasn’t made us or determined that we were to be. This is the wisdom that the writer is speaking of. It is the knowledge that produces gratitude to God because you finally know that we really are nothing that He should consider us, but he HAS and he’s sacrificed so much because of who he is and that has nothing to do with who we are. Thank you Jesus!!

Today, we pray that you can learn to cast down your pride. We want to stand in awe of the Most High, but we will never be able to if we think that we’re gods as well. Humble yourself, or let God humble you. There is only one giver of all things and you’re not them. God help us know our place and how much we are truly nothing without you so you don’t have to show us. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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