Philippians 4:13

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Philippians 4: 13 – I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Ever felt that you’re not getting to the place(s) you want? Been on the opposite end of feeling the happiness of success? Have you ever given up before you reached your goal? What do you do when you’re faced with these situations? Where do you muster your strength from to keep on going?

In life, I think it’s safe to say that we’re taught to fend for ourselves. We’re taught that we shouldn’t rely on people, because people purposely or unintentionally, let you down. We’re taught to be strong and only look out for ourselves and families. How do you cope when you’re running on fumes yourself? When the weight of the world is seemingly on your shoulders, there is always a power available to tap into.

Today we have to examine where we’re pulling our power from? When we’re connected to Jesus and his power, we are continually able to accomplish and succeed. The best part about being connected to Christ is that we’re able to be available for others too!

We are poured out and expensed for our families and daily situations but we can also give freely to others because God can provide in all things when we’re connected to him! There is no fear when we’re connected and receiving strength through Jesus. Along with this power comes the great understanding that God is ALWAYS in control. Even if things don’t work out the way you wanted or had envisioned, God has a way of making things right even when they look bleak and he gives you the strength to deal while you’re going through it.

The true understanding comes in the form of knowing that whatever life gives you, God has the authority and strength to get you through it.

Today we start this week asking the simple question, who is strengthening you? Are you relying on your own abilities and thoughts which are subject to change and you have little control over or are you resting in Christ and allowing him to make things possible?

We as a body of believers we can do all things through Christ, if we’re connected to him! If you don’t feel the power today, I urge you to get connected. You can only run on your own strength for so long. Human strength fades and fails; it’s inevitable. However, through Christ, you can do anything. Do you believe that today?

We pray that you want to move to a place of constant victory in your life and that this meditation has put you onto that road. We pray all of these things in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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