Micah 6:8

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Micah 6:8 – He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Today we take a simple thought from our devotional into this weekend. There is much we could say in regards to the passage but we’ll keep things short and focused.

If ever you feel inadequate about a particular circumstance, if you feel unsure about your response or action you should take, if you feel that thing in your gut that is telling you that you’re doing something wrong, if you’re not certain you should do something – there’s a good reason.

Innately, we all have a moral compass that God has provided us to stay on the right track to living a life towards righteousness. Whether we embrace it or shun it, it is always there tugging at our hearts when something is questionable or morally bankrupt. This is because, as the scripture points to; God has already shown us what is good (that is right from wrong). We know if we’re supposed to do something or not by the feeling we get before we engage anything. It’s our warning sign that we’re off track with God’s compass and we’re potentially ready to get lost.

So what are we supposed to do? Do what is just; do what it is we know to be right in the eyes of the Lord. One part in this passage that I love personally is we are “to love mercy”. This is amazing because this appears to be a sequential set of events that will have us in the proper mindset and position if we look to walk with God. Loving mercy is exactly that! Remember our actions always garner a response and in spiritual settings we react based on the facts of what God did for us first. If we acknowledge that in our lives with obedience to God, we have truly understood how merciful God has been to us. Our response to that very mercy is to fall deeply in love with it; knowing it wasn’t anything we could have earned or deserved but it was made available to us. How could you not love something so precious and special? As our love abounds for God’s mercy in our lives, we reach the reality of our sin nature. We take sober judgment of ourselves and we see how filthy we are, have been, and will be in God’s sight – it’s a humbling fact to face but it’s exactly where we need to be to walk directly with God!


Today, God has shown us all what is good in his eyes, the question would be are you acting justly or accordingly to the facts? Take time today to where you love for God’s mercy is at. Think about what’s been shown to you in this existence and how have you acted knowing what you know? Has your gratitude for truth and salvation made you gratefully love God for how gracious and merciful he’s been to you? If not, how can you come to be with God not knowing you actually needed his help in the first place? Our humility helps God see our hearts and lets him know, that we know, we couldn’t have made it without his love first for us. Fall in love with God’s nature and his mercy because it will make you respond in a way which has you walking with him forever! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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