Matthew 7:1

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Matthew 7:1 – “Do not judge, or you will be judged.

There isn’t much to be said about this scripture. It’s basically self-explanatory. However, I will say that most of us want to be free to speak against or even condemn others for not thinking like a Christian, acting like a Christian, or even showcasing the true belief system that God has called ALL to follow. We have to be careful not to be those types of people. Have we forgotten that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom.3:23)? That simply means, No ONE, NOT ANY ONE OF US is without sin. We’ve all engaged in sinful wants, desires, acts, thoughts, and lifestyles… and let’s keep it real, most of us haven’t overcome the small sins in our life that we still do – but we’re so intolerable of someone else’s sin? Really? So is you’re sin better than someone else’s?


Today let’s look at the things we can get right because sin is sin in God’s eyes. Whether it’s a white lie (which there is no such thing) or murder, we’re still considered unrighteous sinner in the act because it goes directly against the principles and teachings of God! Don’t look down on anyone for their sin or even those trying to overcome sin in their lives. By the power of Jesus living in us, we all have work to do and we should be more encouraging to others; especially those who are actively seeking to be more like Christ. None of us will get it 100% of the time but let’s not be judgers of those who do sin because most likely you’re struggling with some sin in your life too. God is the only judge and if he can show mercy on the entire world for the amount of sin we commit on a daily basis – who are you (or I) to try and judge someone. In reality it would behoove us to be more like Christ in that regard or we could get the just due judgment that we actually deserve. We pray that today we begin looking in the mirror at our own lives, recognize how much of a sinner we are and how to be better for God before we so eagerly look to attack someone for their lifestyle not being up to par. Think about it. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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