Matthew 5:4

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Matthew 5:4 – Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Happy Friday all! It’s been an amazing week and as we round it up we want to invigorate your spirit with the hope of Jesus Christ and help you to go into the weekend with joy, peace and love. May this devotional bless your life today.

The quick fix is very prevalent in our culture today. Everyone wants the “ready-made” results NOW! Nothing is ever fast enough or comes quick enough. Our patience is totally out of the window and hasn’t looked back! We have everything from fast food to fast highs…. and we wouldn’t mind those things being a bit faster! We have become in some senses spoiled. We want what we want, when we want it, whenever we desire. If we don’t get it, we find another way to get it – because we can’t wait! It needs to now, fast!

The attitude in our physical while on Earth is one of anger, resentment, stress, anxiety, and the like when we don’t have immediacy in our lives. We get down and frustrated and even at times give up hope that things will get better. So how do we view this in our spiritual mindsets; the reformed us that Jesus’ blood has covered?

On a daily, most of us have experienced the Christian life and thought, “how do evil things continue to prevail and I’m continually crushed?” or “I’m trying to do everything in my power to live up to God’s commands and things still aren’t working out in my life, is God ignoring me?” or even “I must be doing something wrong because this person is blatantly sinner and is still winning!” Although these may be rightfully so in certain regards, they have no power of what God is specifically working out in your life. See what happens is we become Christians and desire the benefits of God to be rained down from heaven in a hail storm. We expect a dramatic change in our character and in our lifestyles….. NOW! We want the problems of life, hardships, bad decisions and everything else we’ve hidden to just go away like *poof*; unfortunately, that’s not what happens. We continue to suffer. We continue to go through things. We continue to feel uneasy in what it is God wants us to do. We are even more lost than usual because we have no idea what it is we should be doing! In that God says you are blessed. Now he’s not talking about you’re blessed because you’re afflicted, he’s saying that you’re blessed because you’re suffering these things for him! Your toil and work is being seen as an act of worship because even though you’re put under the fire, you endure it because you know that God will see you through. You know that God will provide a way out. You know that God has promised with a covenant he will not forsake you! So what’s the problem? We still want God to comfort us when we want it – NOW!

God has supplied our comforter in the Holy Spirit. He assures us that we will be comforter on Earth and ultimately when we get to heaven. This is a promise and with God we can count on his promises to be and come true! Think of it like this, when you start a job, do you ask on the first day can you have a vacation? NO WAY! You’ve done no work! You aren’t tired, ran down, trained nor in a position to make that request, let alone get it! You have work to do first! You have to get into the system of things. You have to make some mistakes. You have questions that need to be answered. You have to figure out what it is you should be doing! In the same way, we have to go through some things as soon as we profess to the world that we are a Christian. YOU HAVE WORK TO DO. Will it be hard at times? Yes! Will you not like the work at times? Yes! Will you want to quit sometimes? Yes! Will you cry and be sad at times? YES!!!! However, God doesn’t leave us there, He supplies us a comforter while we’re going through all of this to encourage us, to keep us energized and to help us refocus on him and reaching our ultimate time of peace and comfort with Him in heaven.


Today we pray that our eyes have been opened to the fact that even if we are afflicted, talked about, disrespected, shunned, lied on or teamed up against and you mourn for the sake of the name of Christ and the advancement of his kingdom, you realize that you will be comforted. God will not leave you to endure the weight of the world without providing you rest in the end. What we all must remember is that God’s comfort doesn’t come in our timing but in His. Let us all work on our patience and waiting on God in confident expectation for Him to supply our relief and comfort no matter what we’re going through. Have an amazing weekend and be well you all. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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