Matthew 5:10

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Matthew 5:10 – Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

In your life today, do people make fun of you because of your Christian morals and beliefs? Are you pressured to be one of the “in crowd”? Do people make odd remarks about you because you’re a “holy roller”? If these or similar instances have happened to you….good!

When you go against the grain and do that which is acceptable to God, it will be mocked, it will be challenged and it will be propositioned for compromising. The reality is if no one is aware of your righteousness or desire to please God, what is your life really saying? I like to use this example, how are you making others respect the Jesus in you? When you’re around your “other group of friends”, are they comfortable cursing in front of you? Do they do things that they normally do without regard to whether you’re there or not? Are they sensitive to you strong beliefs and apologize when they slip up? If you profess your belief in Christ and your life actions aren’t convicting the groups of people you hang around, you may want to check yourself…

The more disheartening fact could be how you’re making God look? How convinced would you be that someone who claims to love God/Jesus really does, if when you look at their life, it looks exactly like yours and you’re not a believer? There is no blessing from God on your life so what inheritance do you expect?

Persecution for your beliefs is a great indicator that you’re going against normalcy and holding to what is most important; your hope in the promise of Jesus to be in heaven.

What is your goal today? Is it to look cool for the masses? Is it to fit in with your friends? Could it be to deter someone from the faith? Our prayer today is that you find the desire to get a measuring stick and see how close to God you really are. The passage today is true and it gives us a glimpse into what righteousness, as seen by others, may and should produce. If you’re not producing persecution based on your belief, what light is shining through you to lead others to Christ? Get involved, get committed and gain conviction. Stand for righteousness. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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