Matthew 28:18-20

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Matthew 28:18-20 – Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This passage of scripture is known to many as the great commission; the great and last words of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples and all who would come to follow him. It is the sole reason why we exist. I know you might believe that is a bold statement, however consider the facts, do you ever hear Jesus teaching about how great you need to be in this life? Do you read about him speaking to us to make sure we get as much education as humanly possible? Does his word tell us to climb to the corporate ladder and be self-absorbed with things that only matter to us? Does he tell us that we should strive to gain as much money as possible and as many “things” as we can so we can have people worship us? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, please give me a call because we have some things to discuss (the number will be below for those who are interested).

No, Jesus says to us that there is something so much more important in this life that I want you to be concerned with. It’s so important that I will make them my last words to you. The sentimental value of these words are obvious and relatable to all human beings; but the significance of these words are what our concentration will be on for today.

Jesus gives us three value tools here in the passage. First he gives us his disclaimer. He finally lets the cat out of the bag. He outright tells his disciples (and us for that matter) that he has been given authority – all authority in heaven and on earth. This is powerful because it points to the fact that as the resurrected Christ, he has been placed in control of everything on Earth and in heaven. What do we do to people who are in control and have the authority over us in our daily lives, our jobs, and in our government? We submit. We wrap our minds around the fact that we are bound to doing whatever this person says. Jesus is pointing to the greater fact that He is greater than even those things in our lives that we submit to everyday.  It’s his disclaimer that what I’m about to tell you to do, NEEDS TO BE DONE…..and even bigger than that, it should take priority over any other thing, person or situation in your life because I’m the higher authority of all authorities.

Next, Jesus simply gives us instructions. If you’re a true follower and believer in Christ, you know that this wasn’t just for the disciples of that time nor is it a suggestion. It is a command from the absolute authority of heaven and earth. It is not up for debate. When was the last time you questioned your boss about a task or project they told you to do? Or when was the last time you considered telling a police officer “NO” when he asked you to pull over? So why do we question whether or not the ultimate authority in heaven and on earth really wants us to go out and teach others about him and the good news?? And for those who have been changed through their acceptance of Christ sacrifice, this is your customary job protocol!

Lastly, Jesus gives us a promise. He lets us know that we will never be alone during our journey of following him and obeying him. He assures us that no matter what things look like that He will always be there and the intimacy that we will share should give us confidence to go out into the world – day after day and do follow his instructions. Where does the confidence come from? It comes from absolutely knowing that you have the most powerful authority ever on your side and no one can do anything about it or change it! How does that make you feel? Do you consider this authority to be the sole authority of your life? More importantly, do you believe that’s available for you?

Today we have analyzed a few basics of fundamental truth in living a Christian lifestyle. The only questions now are: on what authorities do you do what you do (because if it’s not Jesus’……) and who’s authority are you holding closest to in your life? We pray today that you begin to see what is most important to Jesus (seeing souls come to believe & trust in him & accept his sacrifice for the atonement of our sins) during his life and beyond and what should be most important to you in this life until beyond! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!  310-853-8477

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