Matthew 24:35

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Matthew 24:35 – Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

It seems simple enough to digest but there are a ton of implications that we need to evaluate when we look at our time here on this planet, how we use that time and what do we have to look forward to in the near future. Inside all of us is an innate feeling or sense of purpose; a desire to become something or someone who leaves their mark on the world and has an impact in the lives of others. Sometimes we fall short of the goal however we don’t just give in to the feelings of defeat. We hold on to the idea of there will be a better day and we will prevail.

So where does that motivation stem from? What is our driving force that reminds us that we should keep going? Intellectually we all (in maturity) recognize that we won’t live forever. The understanding that things will pass away as will our friends and family is an ever growing reality. Where is the hope in it all?

Depending on what you’re using as a source for strength, there could be no hope at all. To those who are believers and call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, there is an expectation! The knowledge of life and death and being content with the ending of this world is a driving factor. The expectation is that we can hurry up to be with God in heaven. The reason this held to so closely is because of the belief that the bible is the absolute words of God. They will never fail, they have never led us to destruction and they provide promises for our future – in this life and the life to come. God’s words will never lack power or existence.

Isn’t it weird how year after year the reports and stories continue to come out about how brittle the world is and how we’re destroying our nature resources which will inevitably cause the destruction of the world, but no one is really concerned that it will actually be destroyed? On the other hand, no one is worried about if there is a higher power that’s GOING to come back and judge the sins of man. That’s crazy to me that we can be so distracted to the truth that we allow the menial things in life to overshadow the meaningful aspects that we should all really be concerned about, but I’ve been there too so how crazy is that?

What are you concerned about today? Are you trying to build up and hold on to all of the things you can accumulate on this planet that will definitely pass away or are you clinging to the everlasting word of God and allowing it to move you through this life to safety in the end?

We have decisions to make. We can’t keep directing our attentions aimlessly towards the things of this world and putting more importance on stuff that will have no significance in our lives nor do us or anyone else any good. We have to get in tune with that which will last forever and has more value that any precious stone. More important than life is the instruction that comes from the mouth of God for it is considered good council. You will never find any person to have ever lived say that God’s instruction led them to total destruction! It is the only tested and proven source of goodness that enhances lives, yet we run from it. On the other hand, again we run to every supplement that is put on the market for us to buy to regain our youth, stamina or abilities which are dying anyways – no matter how much you medicate or plastic your appearance. We have to regain priority and prospective.

Today we pray that our energy, time, resources and desires aren’t rooted in a tree that is absolutely set to be destroyed. We want to be rooted in that which is sure and certain to last forever – the word of God! If the tree of this planet will be uprooted and the tree of God will last forever, which do you think you’d want to be attached to? Think about it. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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