Matthew 18:20

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Matthew 18:20 – For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Where is God in your daily life and relationship with others? Yeah, we understand that upon believing in Jesus we are endowed with the Holy Spirit and we are the very temples that Christ resides in on earth. How you treat the temple Christ is living in is a totally separate topic that we’ll address at another time. Right now, we want to focus on having God reinforced in our lives.

When we look at this passage on the surface, we are immediately brought to an idea that we need to be in the fellowship of other believers to have Christ be among us. Well this is true in part, remember, if you genuinely believe in Christ, he is already and always with you. On the other side, we do need to continually be with other believers on one accord which also ushers in Christ’s appearance. But as we stay in context with the scripture, we see that in this instance, Jesus is addressing the sin in the church.  At times we can look past this point as we ready but in our studies we can’t afford to miss this truth.

Whether there are problems or issues in the church – that is still the house of God. These things need to be handled sensibly and with care. No matter what the situation, we can’t side with ourselves, our feelings, or what we think we know. The absolute and only authority is God’s word.  We have to know that we can be wrong in our thinking from time to time. The easiest way to see if we’re right or wrong on anything is to test it! Even the bible tells us test everything against the biblical principles of God (1 Thess. 5:21-22). Throw it against the bible, if it sticks, amen we can move in unison. If it doesn’t and falls to the wayside, you may want to rethink your own position on the matter. Same is in a part of the essence of this scripture for the believer. If there is something that is presented to you (a sin) in the love of Christ and you’re the only one who thinks what you’re saying is right and you’re going against people who love you, people who want to see you on the right track, and most importantly – God’s word, Christ could be in the midst of your counsel – but not on your side! Understanding the truth in our circumstances helps us to hear God’s truth and be convicted to change. If you always think you’re right or the way you were taught is right and two or three others can point out the flaws in that – especially from God’s word, would you not believe that Christ is immediately in the midst trying to correct YOU?


Today as we start this week let us all begin to challenge everything using only the authority that knows all, is in all, and was before all. If we can get on the same accord with God’s word and helping each other solely from his knowledge, Christ will continually be in the assembly of his people and we will all be enriched by the truth of his teachings. His word assures us, even today, that if we tackle any and all situations, whether good or sinful, if we gather together in the knowledge of his teachings and in his name, He WILL be with us! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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