Matthew 16:15-16

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Matt. 16: 15-16 – “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Who do you say Jesus is? Now I’ll be honest, that is a loaded question. Some of us say he is our guide. Some proclaim that he is our example. Many of us would say that he is our everything. Lastly, many will say that he is my Savior.

Peter shows us that he didn’t only say who Jesus was, he lived it! He walked with Jesus daily. He dedicated his life to the service of Jesus. He was present when Jesus called upon him. More importantly, he was ready to give his answer to the King.

How about you today? Are you ready and available to answer the King when your name is called? Are you walking with him daily so that you can be enriched by what you see him doing in your life and the lives of others? Do you know who Jesus is?

Our lives are a reflection of what we say and what we do. How we conduct ourselves lets others know who we walk with and follow. Our example of Christ should ultimately be seen and your life should reflect an answer that will glorify Jesus…..openly.

Today the goal is to be able to presently represent Christ by being there/available but to also have an answer for all who may see your life and have a question about your strength, confidence, courage and power.

We pray that you are motivated to stay in the presence of Christ and be ready to answer him when he calls on you. Give thanks and praise him – at all times! In Jesus name, AMEN!

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