Matthew 11:28

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

A few months back we presented evidence (practical and from bible) on how God eases our anxieties and frees us from the bondage of worry. Well today’s devotional will be more of a challenge. As you see the scripture above many people like to overelaborate on God’s word and try to make it say things that aren’t in the text or what they want it to say. We at DaySpring Christian Center believe that the Word of God speaks on its own; as is! It doesn’t need any fluff or extra frills, if it is read verbatim, God has spoken and said exactly what he’s wanted us to know and hear!

With that being said, we’d like to present a challenge to all who are reading this (and prior) devotional today. We can’t truly experience the truth in God’s word for ourselves if we don’t genuinely make an effort to test and prove that God is real. On various occasions, God permits us to test him. I believe this is one of those times as well. We want to challenge you to spend these next couple of months…. until the beginning of the year, to really dedicate yourself to firstly seeking God first in your life and his righteousness – that is finding out what his word would have for you to do in your life and how to obtain it as he would be pleased with, that being righteously. This is accomplished by getting connected with people who are like minded, a church that is teaching the authentic word of God and reading your bible daily! Next, instead of worrying about every problem or issue that you encounter, release it into the hands of the Father to handle for you! Now obviously this is a difficult task, however it is possible if you do step #1 first! God will reward your efforts with progress and people around you to help you learn how to release, trust in him, and stay fixed (or concerned) on things that move his heart. Lastly, you have to stay committed, obedient to the scriptures, and dedicated to ensuring you’re engaging the help of the Spirit by praying and exercising your faith in the truth that God will provide everything; even rest for your spirit.

Obviously there are no manuals on how to do this exactly, but we believe that by taking these general steps to God, he will begin to run toward you! Are you tired of not feeling complete? Are you overwhelmed and empty? Are you still searching for that “thing” that will give you your greatest joy and contentment? If this is you, why not finally give God his just chance? We give everything and everyone else multiple chances and are continually let down. Why not try out the Creator of ……everything and see if he’s not only able but is faithful; true to do what he’s said and promised he would do? Don’t we owe it to ourselves to give the sin-free being of God a chance to prove he is true, when we’ve given sinful people and things more than enough chances to prove they are will not come through in the end?


Today if you’re truly tired of the same ole’, same ole’ in your life, it is time to make a consorted effort to come to Jesus Christ. This is your moment of change; the opportunity to really experience whether or not he is real or not. It is great to have these devotionals to read daily and get us excited about the Word and teachings God but if it’s not changing our lives and pushing towards Christ and his truth, what are we really doing? It’s time for us to get serious and committed. What say you? Are you willing and ready to take up the challenge? We pray you are…..we are! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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