Mark 10:45

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Mark 10:45 – For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

The service of Christ is the most unmatched, selfless act in all of recorded history. Even today, the human mentality is to get from others what we can ascertain. Now this isn’t to say that everyone has this mindset because we’ve all met and know genuine people whose very hearts are to be kind, giving, and selfless to others. For everyone else (including me), let’s open our ears and eyes to see a better way. As God incarnate, Jesus had every right to demand or accept being put on a pedestal while He walked the earth. We displayed much power, confidence, authority and He even did a miracle (or few thousand) in His time. However, Jesus didn’t use that as an opportunity to elevate His esteem among men. Think about it; from His born to His career to His time of ministry and even until His death, Christ didn’t have much, take much, or desire the greater things of the world. Jesus kept looking for ways to connect with His people, bring healing and hope to His people and show His mercy to His people even until death.  Even further, He made Himself a man just to come and have the human experience. This is a powerful truth about the love and servant nature God has for us.

Ever heard the saying, “Walk a mile in my shoes and you will know my story”. Well Jesus took that saying to the gusto! God came down to walk in our shoes and experience this thing called fleshly living. Why? What was so important to go through all of that for an all-knowing and all-powerful God? Simply because God saw a need! God knew that we were dead in our sins and had no hope to be back in a relationship with Him. His love is and was soooo deep for us that He wanted to do whatever it took to make things right on our behalf; so He decided to be an example of one who meets needs, a servant! He had an agenda and when He came to the world, it wasn’t all about Him – IT WAS ONLY ABOUT US!!!! I pray we get that today!

Yes, Jesus deserved to be lifted up and held in the highest esteem among men on the earth, but that wasn’t His agenda! His agenda was to meet our greatest need; to provide a service to us that we didn’t even know we truly needed nor had a way to get. That was a real relationship with God again! Jesus wasn’t concerned with just being with us for a short 33 years but He was concerned with us being with Him for eternity. The only way that was to be possible was by Him coming to serve us and lay His life down for us all.

Today we sometimes miss the reality and miss the understanding of what it means to serve someone. In being a servant you submit yourself to the will and benefit of others. Jesus Christ came and did that perfectly for you and me. As servants of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it is our jobs to be the same as He has exampled for us through His life. As new creations, it is our duty to serve others with the confidence and authority of Christ to make disciples of all nations. This showcases that you have submitted to the will and benefit of God’s Kingdom. We pray that He is the only entity you serve, if you’re not doing that, who might YOU be serving? Let the serve of Christ be the example you follow into 2014 and for the rest of your life. May God get the total glory from your authentic life of service. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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