Luke 6:37-38

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Luke 6:37-38 – “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

A simple thought today as we continue on our journey; do unto others as you want done unto you. Sounds familiar, right? Well today’s devotional scripture encapsulates this very idea. If you don’t want to be judged, don’t judge others. If you don’t want to be condemned, don’t condemn others. If you can find a way to forgive, you’ll be forgiven. If you can give as freely as God has given to you, it will be given to you also. Now this is just in a normal earthly sense. What about in the spiritual realm? How does it apply?

We’re faced with one of the simplest idea but one of the hardest things to comprehend so let’s try and make sense of it today. In God’s unfairness to us, he not only didn’t treat as our sins deserved – immediately, and he made an escape route for us also! In the Christian life, we have the honor of being able to put on Christlikeness and be transformed to an image of blamelessness before mankind. How can we actively and genuinely be displaying those characteristics if we can’t do the same things that God initially did for us?

Think about your own shortcomings; how have you messed up before God’s sight this morning? How about last night? Or better yet, how about this past weekend? Do you think there is anything you did that you shouldn’t be forgiven for? I’m sure we can all find something, but the beauty of God is he’s willing to forgive, forget, and still accept you. Now, just because we choose not to accept Jesus, doesn’t stop Jesus from still being able to accept us.

Whatever side of the coin you’re on the scripture is clear in its determination of how you’ll be dealt with based on your actions. In the latter part of verse 38 the scripture tells us that with the measure we use, it will be measured back to us. Basically put if you’re unwilling to forgive, why would you expect to be forgiven? If you’re quick to judge or always judging, you can expect to be judged. And If you can’t give (not just money, but your time, kindness, a smile, love, or just a hug), you shouldn’t expect to be given to. Wow, but God is soooo unfair that he’s continually giving us day after day to get these principles right so we don’t have to have his wrath poured out on us – at the good measure that we’ve actually deserved all along.

Sidebar: How many opportunities has God given you to avoid judgment? (Answer: how many days have been on this planet?) In your gratitude, are you using those chances for His good or are you continually squandering them away?


Today, we step from the realm of being secured in never being separated from God and never trampling over the gift of salvation for the things of this world, into the attitude of being like-minded as Jesus in being unfair to others as God has been unfair to us. At this juncture, we look to take on Christ’s heart; God’s nature so others can know just how unfair God has been to them too! The manifestations of Jesus in your life will attract others to God, but have you willing made his attributes available for others to experience so they too can begin their journey with Christ? We have work to do, but it starts with us responding to God’s love and sacrifice. A changed heart, God’s heart as our own; at this place our knowledge in gratitude meets action in faith and it propels us into living a godly lifestyle that is a replica of the unfair nature of God. If God is an unfair God, the question would be, are you an unfair disciple of Jesus Christ? Do you look like your Father in heaven (lest you be treated like everyone who doesn’t or isn’t)? Today we pray you begin to! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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