Joshua 1:9

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Daily we’re confronted with the conflict from within to do what God has commanded us. It’s strange how we have such a hard time going against our natural or mundane lifestyles. We know and are familiar with the things that we normally do and it just feels natural. It’s what we’ve always done, all of our lives. We’re so used to the way we act or how we have done things because we’ve been doing them so long. Our best excuse, “well that’s just me, love it or hate it, I’m going to do me”.

Now I totally understand; I’m in the same boat at times. I rely on all of what I have been or how I’ve been taught to act or treat people and it’s true, it’s a part of my nature – just like it’s a part of yours. So how do we overcome ourselves? How do we change our habits, thought processes and core self-beliefs? I believe we get some great insight from God in Joshua.

This may seem wild, but hear me out. God commands us ALL to do things a certain way, to live a certain way and to revere him in a certain way. (In my Nate Dogg voice) Hold Up! Let’s examine what a command or directive is; same difference? A command IS NOT a suggestion. It is a directive that is intended to be obeyed or carried out. Time for application – so if you’re at your job and your boss gives you a command/directive, do you say to him/her, “Naw, I don’t do that” or “No thanks, that’s not me” or “Well what about Timmy, he can handle it” or even “Why?”. I submit to you today, you not only do what is asked of you, you may at times even get concerned about what will happen if you don’t do what was asked of you (especially if you’ve been under the spotlight recently). Now let’s get practical..

What makes us believe that we can do the same to God, who is in control of all things? I think that we get scared of change and commands because of the unknowns. It’s unknown if people will like you. It’s unknown if you’ll hear what God wants you to do. It’s unknown if people will accept the “new you”.

All of these concerns are NOT concerns at all. The concern should be what will God think/do if I don’t obey his commands. When you do as God has commanded and take up a lifestyle dedicated to Him, He is ALWAYS with you! You don’t have to fear any of those things. You don’t have to fear your old habits. You don’t have to fear what people will say about you. Your trust, faith and convictions are set in the eternal God. You are safe!

As you go through your week, consider what God has told you to do – it is not a suggestion. Do it! Remember if God told you to do it, you can be sure to know that He will see you through it; for it is His will. Let’s line up under God’s will with confidence and do as He says and let’s see if He doesn’t make your change for Him a blessing.

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