John 6:37

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: John 6:37 – All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

There’s an old saying that is still relevant today which goes “Home is where the heart is”. There are a few things that this applies to, so let’s examine.

There are a couple of ideas that come to mind when we think about what we consider as our home. It’s a place of comfort. Home is a place of family and familiarity. Others look at this saying and suggest that wherever your heart is, it is easy to make that home. It has the same meaning but with a different twist; for an athlete, training and that alone could be home for him/her. For a businessperson, the office could be their home. For a serviceperson, defending the helpless abroad could be their home. It is considered a place or thing they’re most passionate about. It’s what they love and where they feel most comfortable. It’s the thing or place they put all of their focus into. At times this very saying is even paralleled with the saying “Where your heart is, there you will find your treasure”. The symbolism is that a place or thing can and ultimately has significant value in your life and is as precious as the refuge of your own home.

When we put on our spiritual goggles, we see that God has a compound meaning to the same familiar phrase. The bible tells us that God stretches out his arm towards us to save us through Jesus Christ but he doesn’t make us come to him. As the saying would suggest, where we find our love, peace, joy, excitement, and fulfillment is where our hearts will naturally want to be. In conjunction with that, God takes his love for us a step further. Not only does he allow us to make our home with him, he also gives us open access; the scripture would suggest that we are welcome and won’t be turned away. The idea would be that if we put all of our heart into loving, serving, and taking value in him, he will embrace you back. This is a vast difference from what we view “home is where the heart is” without God’s influence. In our human state and placing our hopes in things that will fade away and only provide temporary joy, we see that God has something of greater comfort and is everlasting.

Now the question becomes where is your heart at? Where do you find your comfort and rest in this life? As we have discussed, you’re time and efforts will be placed in that which you hold most valuable to you. If the Father has given you over to Jesus, then you will come to know that he will be and is the most important thing in your life; your refuge, your hope, your home in which your heart is most invested.

When we are invested in Christ we are assured that he will never drive us away. Unlike our jobs, businesses, careers, or relationships – which we put our hearts into and get less out of, when we come to Christ and make our hearts totally concentrate on him, he welcomes us, embraces us and then never lets us lack anything or sends us away empty.


Today we pray that the home you have your heart invested in is Jesus Christ. Some investments in life have a huge risk of loss but as we invest our hearts in Christ we will never be in a deficit; moreover we will continue to mature in everything as our stock in him increases. Jesus is the one investment in which the benefits will never fade nor will he drive you away from. Let’s put our priorities in prospective. Where are your treasure, joy, and heart at today? Make the investment that won’t be turned away. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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