John 3:36

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: John 3:36 – He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him”

We all know that there are consequences when we don’t do what’s right in the eyes of an authority. Think about it, from the time of your youth you have had someone to answer to. Whether it was parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties, teachers, or whoever – you were held responsible to do what was told of you. Even in our adulthood, we are held to the responsibility of keeping in line with the laws that govern our various states, cities, counties and so on. Well what happens when we make the decision to go against everything we’ve been told to do and do what we wanted? As a child the results were drastic! We’re talking punishments, the taking of privileges, and even worse – good ole’ fashion butt-whooping’s; brings back memories…lol. Seriously speaking, as we mature, the results of defiance become more intense and even bring about worse pain, regret, and heartache in our lives. Well this is yet another parallel we can see that pits our earthly lives next to our spiritual lives to see how we should be conducting ourselves in both!

We understand and look forward to rewards, no matter the kind. However when it comes to God we somehow only desire his rewards, never thinking of the actuality of consequences we could experience if we aren’t obedient to what He’s says to do. Just as earthly authority figures have rules, regulations, and laws that we adhere to on a daily basis, we have greater eternal laws and decrees that we should be following suite under as children of God. As God is the ultimate and sole authority of our lives (both spirit and physical) we can’t help but to be more than (or as best as we can) obedient to His laws, commands, and teachings. Just as our obedience would showcase our belief in the system of consequences that follow noncompliance in this world, how much more are we looking to have an unfavorable outcome in our spiritual lives if we don’t live, abide, and be obedient to the laws and commands that God has set up? Do you not believe there will be a consequence for lack of obedience and compliance in believing in Christ and doing as He has taught us from God?


Today our passage helps us to focus in on a truth that is universally known and lived out on a daily basis. We need to not only apply this same principle to our lives for this world but even more so to our spiritual lives we engage in with Christ as our head. Our belief in Jesus Christ has a natural response of obedience to comprehend, conduct, and commit ourselves to His teachings and commands from the bible – the Word of God! If we’re not doing that, are you being obedient to your Father (authority) in heaven? We pray today that our earthly authority figures aren’t getting more respect, dedication, and obedience to their laws than our Father in heaven who is the authority of all we are and have in our lives. If you ever thought that there were laws that mattered and that you should obey for your safety and security, consider how important it is to obey the laws of the One who can unleash a punishment on us that we weren’t even made to endure. Think about it. Let us ALL get better, believe, trust, and be obedient to God and His everlasting Word! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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