John 2:19

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: John 2:19 – Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

These words spoken by Jesus had the Jews in an uproar about what they thought Jesus was referring to. They couldn’t phantom Jesus speaking in the authority in which he did nor could they wrap their minds around the truth that they were in the presence of the highest authority. It was only after Jesus’ resurrection did some of the Jews come to their senses and understand what Jesus was truly relating to.

Today, I believe that some of us are in the same boat as some of the Jews at that time. We can hear God’s direct voice from the scripture, we can go to church every Sunday and hear his word taught, and we can listen to messages from far and wide thanks to modern technology. However, we still misinterpret it. We see what we want to see in the scriptures or take various parts and try to make it say what we want it to say rather than just hearing exactly what God is actually saying.

Our notions based on the facts should not be notions at all. Truth should prevail at all times, especially if you’re a believer in Jesus. How does that look? Well, if you read in the bible it says to not fornicate, that’s not a license to test out the goods before your married! God spoke these words to help you avoid the heartache, pain and disease that come from having multiple partners. There’s no other meaning to that. If you read where it tell you to be blameless before man so that you can win them over, that doesn’t mean blend into the crowd so no one can tell you’re a Christian. Now I say these things not to sound self-righteous because I have done these very things – as God as my witness. As I’ve said before, I’m no different than you. We all sin daily and will continue to sin… however there should be good news that you’re living by that makes you different!!!

Some of the Jews of that time eventually came to the knowledge of who Jesus was and made a change. The question is how long are you going to wait to make a change for him? When the Jews who came to believe recognized that they had heard God’s voice but misinterpreted what he was saying, they made a change to rectify their mistake! Now, just as in today’s times many will not believe or change their minds about what they think God is saying through his word – just as many Jews of that time didn’t change their views as to who they thought Jesus was.

Today, I ask you – will you make a change not based on anything but the truth of God’s words or will you continue to misinterpret what God is telling you to do?

If you notice, God never tells you to do anything that will hurt, harm or destroy your life. When these types of situations come up in our lives, it’s mostly based on our decisions and what we think is right to do.  Jesus came to save his people. He thought of your way out already and gave you access to it.

Some of the Jews of that time didn’t wait when they realized the good news of Jesus, they made a concrete change. How long are you going to wait to make your change after hearing God speak? If there is one thing those Jews who repented knew, it was that they didn’t know how much time they had to repent and get it right. I can only speak for myself, but I knew the same thing! I made a change for Jesus now, while there is still time. How much time do you believe you have?

We pray today that God’s word, his speech and his authority is enough. We pray that the hope of a people isn’t placed in ourselves or the intellect we possess but the true understanding of God’s word that we’ve been enlightened to. God be with your people and increase our understanding and wisdom to ingest our word but be moved to change by it and not to question it. Let us get to your house of worship and connect with you immediately because we truly don’t know how long we can keep misinterpreting your word and not changing. Help us all to be better and move forward in the knowledge of your gospel. We pray all of these things in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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