John 15:5

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Have you ever seen a plant growing outside of a pot or soil? How weird would that look to you? The roots are completely exposed, the plant is growing but it’s not connected to any source of nutrition. Pretty much we know that this is impossible. In the same regard, when you look at a tree that is planted in the ground and see a branch cut from it laying on the ground, do you expect it to still grow? I think it’s safe to say that if a limb of anything living is cut off, that limb will not grow any longer. It will indeed die and wither away. It is useless and cannot be of any value.

Our passage today points us to that principle within being a part of Christ. How do we expect to be an active, growing and healthy Christian if we’re not connected to Jesus himself? Jesus is life and anything attached to him would have that same life available to them. Common sense would suggest that anything or anyone that is connected to him would be alive as well. Your life should be thriving, growing strong and feeding off of the nutrients of Christ (the tree that is planted and rooted in God). There should be no dead or dying areas in your life that are useless or not growing if you’re connected to Christ. If we are attached to Christ there will be fruit (evidence) in our lives of that connection. It is only when we separate ourselves or disconnect from the vine that we stop producing the evidence of the vine we were once connected to.

No one looks at an apple tree and expects to see oranges appear. If you claim to share in the body of Christ but produce the attributes or evidence of Satan, how can you expect others to believe you have any part of Christ? One issue that people fail to realize is that before a limb or anything for that matter is done away with, it is always connected to something. At some point it becomes useless and then it is discarded. So the question would be posed, what are you currently connected to? If you possess a connection with Jesus, there is much fruit; which also suggests that there is long life, there is pruning, there is growth and maturity and rich soil that constantly feeds your soul. Now if you’re connected to ANYTHING else, there could be a problem. Your source could be corrupted, you won’t be getting the essential vitamins you need, there is no growth and you eventually will be useless and ready to become fire fuel.

Today we want you to evaluate what you have been producing in your life recently. Can others clearly see that you are connected to Christ and are living life to the full – taking advantage of all the nutrients he has to offer OR is there not much going on in your life for God? There is no connection to God’s people, God’s work, or God’s teachings. We must recognize that as long as we’re in humble submission to God in following Christ we will thrive, bear fruit and even others will be able to eat from what God produces in us. If no one is asking you for godly advice or turning to you to help them get on track with God, that may suggest you’re not connected and you can’t help them or yourself. If people can’t see the fruit of God in your life, you might be withering and dying; all on your own, not connected to Christ at all. We pray that you desire to be connected to Christ and have his production of limitless fruit flows from your life. Without that evidence are you really doing anything for God? Be encouraged to be attached to the truth vine and blossom into your fullest potential. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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