John 14:1

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: John 14:1 – “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.

The book of John is a very interesting and powerful gospel. It is in line with the other three synoptic gospels but has a unique spin on it. Apostle John wanted to world to see Jesus in a different light. Based on the readings of the other synoptic gospels, one could easily refer to Jesus as just a good man or a prophet. Maybe some would even consider him as a magician or powerful demon. But Apostle John wanted to make sure it was clear that Jesus was more than just a mere man, but that He was the incarnate God (God in the flesh)!

There isn’t much to elaborate on or try to get deep about on this particular subject. God came to earth to check on his creation and experience life as a human. He masked himself in the vessel we know as Jesus Christ, the absolute Son of God! His very deity was poured fully into him, lacking nothing so that we were able to experience his wonders, heart, love, and nature first hand.

With this knowledge in hand, that being, you know that your God loves you so much, he was willing to take the time to be here for us, relate with us, live among us and give us promises we don’t deserve; what is there to really fear? What is there to be troubled about? The Creator of all things is in love with us and has our backs! But do you believe that? Do you believe that God wanted a relationship with you so much that He decided to come to this Earth as Jesus Christ, solely to suffer and die for our sins so we could have our relationship with God restored; reconciled to how it once was and was intended to be from the beginning? If you believe in that work that Jesus Christ was set to do and accomplished on the cross, your belief in God should be as big as your belief in Christ! He paid it all, once and for all, for every human being on this planet that would believe in him that he did so just for YOU (& ME)!

Belief in Jesus suggests a few things (among many others):  1) You aren’t burdened by worry of heart, 2) You believe and trust in God’s word as the only authority & 3) You believe God loves you enough to pull off the greatest love story ever told and it’s about a relationship between you and him and how he went to the ends of the earth (even to death) to have a relationship with you and it was through his Son Jesus Christ!

If you believe that God has the power, love and desire for you in such a way, then your belief in Jesus shouldn’t be a question! God works through men, even in this day and age to get his agenda across and his will done; why wouldn’t he come down himself to be the perfect example of that same fact for us to witness? If God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow, why would he suddenly change his most effective means of communication?


We pray that you have been encouraged to rethink your views on Jesus Christ and why belief in him is so significant to truly believing in God. For many who are Christians, this may be a simple retooling, but for those who are troubled by not knowing, let this spark the path which will lead you to the true nature of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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