James 5:16

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: James 5:16 – Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

We are all sinners. We will continue to sin every day. We all have a sin nature that is in direct rebellion against our own moral spirit which helps us understand the difference between right and wrong. How do we overcome such a thing that is so inherent in our lives? It’s continually always around us and even if we have a perfect day without physically sinning, we will inevitably sin in our minds. Where is the hope?

Jesus is our great hope! He made our reconciliation complete by taking on every sin that we had ever done, every sin that we are currently doing and every sin that we will ever do in the future. How does that affect your sins now? Well, as a believer, you are free from being a slave to the same sins over and over again. You are free from the shame that sinful acts would produce in your life. You are free from hiding that you are not perfect nor will never be! You are truly free in Christ.

This freedom is an amazing gift from God. Used correctly, you can continue to grow in maturity of righteousness and have meaningful victories every day.

One of the attributes of this freedom is the ability to confess your sins to your brothers/sisters and not be ashamed of how they will perceive you. The freedom isn’t in knowing that their as bad off as you (which is true), it’s actually in the unity of being on one accord in trying to live your new life in Christ, keep from committing the same sins, being bound by them in secrecy or ashamed to admit you need people to keep you accountable from falling back into those sins.

When we are open about our sins, it helps us to refrain from continuing to do the same sins. It helps us to stay clear of situations that could potentially make us fall and stay in the mindset of thinking about Jesus and his sacrifice and how we don’t need to do what our sinful nature wants to anymore but now to do what God wants.

Opening up about sin also implores a whole body of believers that will pray for you and your struggles because they want you to overcome them. We each have our own vices and when we take our nastiness to God with the power of all of the believers, God will answer our prayers for one another. You will continue to grow past those regular, mundane sins you would normally commit and you will be healed in various areas of your life.

If you’re a believer, what sins haven’t you committed to God to get eradicated from your life? Why haven’t you been open about it yet? Don’t you want to get past it? Do you want to show God your willingness to grow? Don’t you want to be healed?

Our prayer today is that you are searching for your healing and that you start with opening up to your body of believers to get the help you need. Remember, we ALL need help from each other, are you giving and getting the godly help that is available to you through Christ? If not, I beg of you to start getting your help today. Get healed and become powerful for God. In Jesus name, AMEN!