James 4:10

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: James 4:10 – Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Don’t you want to get to a place in your life where you’re esteemed by your peers? How do you interact with your fellow man/woman in trying to climb the ladder of success? How much time and energy have you expensed to get where you are now in your life or career? Better yet, have you reached the place you’ve been striving for – if at all?

Maybe there is a thing in us that has us desire more than what we have. However, there is an emptiness that comes along with our own elevation. The feelings that we experience on our journey through this life are numerous and unknown. We believe that as achieve more or gain more that we will be more happy. Contention isn’t based off of things we have, but off the understanding of things we’ve been giving. It’s a concept that we overlook but is a crucial piece of our existence that keeps you always looking for more or trying to attain more.

The problem that we can be caught up with are the things we’ve been given are all carnal. They are the things of this world. There substance is fleeting and only produces a short-term high that needs to be regenerated with the next big thing. The reliance on self to fill this void directly affects our attitude in trying to lift our own esteem. We can’t be humble at this point because all of our successes are seemingly produced by our own power. At that point, no one can lift you up because you’ve already filled yourself up so much that there isn’t any more room for someone else to do that for you…..not even God!

When we humble ourselves to see that first off, God provides all things; we can take a different stance on what it is we’ve been given. We then recognize that as God provides, he puts us exactly where we’re supposed to be rather that where we’ve landed on our own. The humble heart allows God to manifest his power and take you to new heights that you could have never imagined before. It produces joy, happiness and peace. Moreover than that, there isn’t an emptiness that lingers in your spirit. You don’t have to keep searching for elevation nor do you want things of this world. You become content with what God provides and understand that his elevation provides for that void we have.

Today we want to present to all that if you’re looking to be elevated by God, you need to be humble enough to accept how he wants to do it. When we take the ball into our own court, we have a tendency to get big headed when the big shot goes in. This mindset only aids to elevate ourselves in our own mind. However when we let God coach, we get an elevation that isn’t our own and is better for us because it’s from the coach…..and the coaches word holds wayyy more weight than yours! Be humble and let God lift you up. Just see where he can take you compared to where you could take yourself. Be well and humble yourself before the Lord today. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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