Isaiah 40:8

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Isaiah 40:8 – The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.

There isn’t much on this earth that will be around for forever. We know things get old, people grow, trends change, and generations pass. There isn’t anything in this world that will last that is physically tangible. However, when the writer expresses what he has found that can and will last forever it shows us a significance that we should truly attach ourselves to.

Why would it be important to attach ourselves to the Word of God? Well let’s think about that practically for a second. Let’s say that you’re in a boat; winds come and destroy the boat and your left floating in the ocean until rescue comes to save you. Now as your drifting in the cold water you see a short ways off a slender side of the boat floating in the water and an air mattress. Ok, so you’ve got a decision to make. Which item do you go to retrieve? I want you to really think about that. I’m sure about 99.9% of us chose to get the slender slab of boat to rest on. Well why is that? Simply because it’s job – the reason why it was created was to float on water. It was designed to last and provide for one’s safety. Well, that is a parallel to how we should look at God’s word, but even in a much greater way. God’s Word is not the slab of some busted boat it is a fortress that is impenetrable. It is the safe haven we can go to rest, find shelter and peace, and hope for our futures. It has and will stand forever! Just as in our example we would cling to the thing that would most likely preserve our life; this should be our attitude when it comes to God and His Word. Knowing that it will be the only thing in all of creation that will stand the test of eternity should make us want to cling to it so that we will be saved by it!


Today we pray that our eyes have been opened to understand that in this life we will be presented with many things which we can cling and attach ourselves to. We can cling to money, prestige, fame, careers, people, and a host of other things. Unfortunately, although many of these things might save us for a time while here on earth, they will all eventually fade and fall us. Our prayer today is that we begin to cling to the one thing that can not only save us for our “now” moments in this life, but save us for an eternity. Let us get attached to and cling to the Word of God; it is the only thing that will be around forever. Don’t you want to be also? In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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