Isaiah 40:26

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Isaiah 40:26 – Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens; who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.

Yesterday we examined a portion of our lives that dealt with things of significance and things that are not so significant at all. How and what should be placed in a position of priority and how that affects what we strive to have which will last forever. Well today we want to be brief but applicable.

Take a moment to meditate on the scripture of today. I’ll wait right here – go on now. 🙂

Being at the mercy of our all-powerful God isn’t a bad position to be in. Who created you? Do you think that your parents had the power to bring you life and distinguish you among men? You may not agree but you’re reading this very devotional because God knows you by name! Intimately, God has a calling on your life to come unto him. Now, for fear of sounding super religious, I will explain my statement of “God has a calling on your life”. Many people take that and try to uber spiritualize who they believe they are and that they have some divine power to know more about your life than you do because of some mystical insight. Let us be completely clear: I’M NOT SAYING THAT AT ALL!!!!!!!

What I am saying that if you haven’t accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, he could be knocking on your door to invite him in. Now that isn’t some super-spiritual rant, that is bible (Matt. 24:14)! Everyone will know the name of Jesus and his hope (the gospel) will be preached throughout the entire world. Why is this significant? It’s significant because everyone will have a chance to accept Christ! EVERYONE!

We all by name are loved by God and we greatly desires for us all to be with him in heaven. Jesus came to save us – let me say that again – JESUS CAME TO SAVE US!!!!!!! He doesn’t want any of us missing from being in God’s house for eternity.

Today I’ll be short and simple. What call has been made out to you? God knows you by name, he created you and he provides for you and he has even provided a way back into a relationship with him!! Our God uses his power, might and strength to show us true love. Do you truly believe that he doesn’t want you to enjoy the peace and joy of heaven with him? That’s what was intended for in the beginning……

He knows you uniquely, don’t go missing because of your own will; it would be a waste of someone that he holds more special than the stars in the sky. Please meditate on these words and allow the Spirit to move you to wear you know you need to be. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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