Isaiah 26:4

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  Isaiah 26:4 – Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.

People put too much hope, faith, and trust into other people. You’ve seen it yourself; someone builds you up to let you down. Someone makes a promise that they couldn’t keep nor probably were actually planning on doing in the first place. The job supervisor tells you you’re up for the promotion but then they give it to someone else. In the end, we’re left defeated, feeling down and distraught, and wondering what it was that we did wrong. The bad part is that we’ll continue to give these same people or situations chance after chance to let us down. Unfortunately, most times they do. Why? It’s simple because we aren’t putting our trust on a solid surface. It’s actually kind of funny when you think about it; how many times have you unintentionally let someone down? How many times intentionally (shame on you…lol)? Seriously speaking, we’re all prone to not being steady or sturdy enough to weather the storms of life and carry people through them. We need help ourselves! Yes, it’s ideal and a great mindset to be there for others as much as possible but because of life, our own emotions, and certainly unexpected circumstances, we’ll never be solid enough for everyone in our sphere of influence to be able to totally trust in us. It’s just a natural fact…. and even if you were solid or sturdy enough, (once again) because of our sinful emotional states, you’d get tired of helping everyone out after a while anyways. It’s ok to laugh at yourself there… J

The reality is that people are going to fail you from time to time. However, in God, we have a solid, sturdy, and impenetrable foundation that is established, tried, tested, and true that we can trust in. God is the Rock but not just when He feels like it or when we’ve been good today or when we’ve thought good thoughts, but always; eternally!

Our TRUE trust in the Lord should be an actual confidence in our lives. When we truly know that our foundation is secure and that we can trust it won’t fail us, we are able to do things that we’d have never done in hoping or trusting in people. Now here’s the convicting part, we don’t get to do the seemingly impossible in our lives because we don’t give God a fair shake at the job. It’s amazing how quickly we give up hope and trust in God after one thing doesn’t go how we think. Even more strange, we’ll give people ample opportunities to keep letting us down – especially when they’ve had a history of doing it before. The trust we have in people can never be measured in spiritual terms because it is man-made; it is based on how we see things and how we want to build that foundation. In God, he’s GIVEN us a foundation we can trust in which in spiritual terms has never failed anyone who’s trusted in it. God’s track record is impeccable! Why is it so hard for us to trust in the Rock that has been in place since the beginning vs. trust in what we’ve tried to establish in people over the 20-90 years of our lives?


Today, we pray that you stop putting your trust in the shakiness of people which can come and go with the passing wind but root it in the eternal Rock – Our Father God. Truly trusting in him we are assured that we will never fall, who else in your life can you say that about? Let’s give God a chance and keep giving him a chance like we do for everyone else. He deserves the opportunity to change your life, needless to say, it only will happen if you put your trust in him. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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