Hebrews 12:28

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Hebrews 12:28 – Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,

In and throughout our lives we will experience things and have instances take place in our lives that compel us to action. Maybe you got an inspirational word from a dying friend that changed the course of your life. Maybe a mentor or close teacher imparted something significant onto you that gave you a new hope for your future. Perhaps you were given a responsibility that matured you faster in this life which made you a better husband or wife, parent or friend. Whatever the case, we are all given things in this life that cause us to step up our game or take on life with a new prospective and focus.

God has given us something also and it’s pretty amazing. God has given us the kingdom. The opportunity to be with him in Heaven forever! That’s a pretty awesome gift! He has provided all of the details, intricacies, and even a game plan to make sure that we not only get into the party but are comfortable once we arrive. He has given us promises, his word and Jesus in the flesh to ensure that our experience is one to look forward to and to be hopeful about until the time has arrived.  With that being said, what now?

We’ve been able to identify our reaction to receiving something special or significant from people in our daily lives. We can attest that these are things we hold close to our hearts and use as tools to help us break through the challenges we face in life. They give us strength and inspire our course of action in many facets of living. We use them as mantra’s and recall them often to help others along their way. In all honesty, that’s what there designed to do and we should use these tools as such. On that same note, what then should be our reaction to what God has given us?

Before you answer that last question, consider this: the funny thing about what people give us, whether in heartfelt moment or on their death beds, is that it can be mostly be done once, or by multiple people, or can be exhausted. However, when we look at what God gives us, it is permanent, from one source, and it can’t be given by anyone else! Moreover than that, he keeps on giving to us in addition to that which he’s promised already! I don’t know about you but when I think about it like that I get a chill up my spine and throughout my body.

We put people in such a high esteem for their words and inspiration, but what about God who has given us something much more valuable than what any human ever could!? What is our issue with allowing his words, promises, and gift of the kingdom to be our driving force for doing what he says in this life? Where is our gratitude in speaking to others about his imprint that has affected our lives and set us on a new course? Do we hold his words and teachings close to our hearts and try to imprint them onto others because of how greatly they have helped us?……..that’s what we do when we get lesser things from human beings.

Today we pray that we all refocus our attention from what moves us by human standards to be moved and motivated by godly standards. God has given us so much more than we can conceive or understand. We NEED to start using that knowledge to be the tools we rely on to make it through this life! God deserves much more from us than just mere lip service. Think of it like this; if you use something a human gave you to be spurred on by, you officially have a glimpse of how much more you should be using God’s gifts and what that should inspire you to do with your life! Let’s get it together family, God made humans. Let’s not give his words and all we receive from him less consideration than that which we receive from human beings. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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