Hebrews 12:14

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Hebrews 12:14 – Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

We have our work cut out for us. We live in a world of treachery, malice, selfishness and deceit; how can one live in the thick of this humanistic mentality and be effective for God? What will be the indicator that helps people point toward Christ? What kind of impact can you make over millions of people with such a small influence?

Luckily, we don’t have to worry about that! Wait, what??? How is that the case you ask? Well, no one can individually change the hearts of men (or women for that matter). As a Christian, we have to remember that our job isn’t to save souls (in a sense – meaning make people believe), but to lead souls to Christ so that HE can save them! Oh, that’s right we don’t have the power to save souls! We’re about as sinful (and we know sin is sin – there’s no one worse sin over another) as the person we’re potentially talking to, not such a great example to ask someone to model if you ask me. Christ is our perfect example and he has the power and authority to save mankind. When we live in a manner that points to and puts the light on Christ, people are able to see the light for themselves and know what truth is. The question then becomes what are you doing to either point people to Christ or push them away from him?

How do you make that godly impression amidst the chaos of the world we live in today? The bible is clear in stating the position we should have and why it is so important. Our meditation tells us to make every effort to live in peace with everyone! Now it doesn’t say to make an effort sometimes or when you feel like you’re ready to or even when someone is being peaceful with you. It says to make every effort. This is a continual assertion to be the light of Christ to EVERYONE at EVERY chance you get! What a thought! In corruption, how refreshing do you think it would be to have someone actually go above and beyond to deliver genuine peace to you? It would produce a sense of gratitude and longing to know how you could do it! Ta-daaaaa! You have just been afforded an opportunity to point someone to Christ!!! Now here is the key and crucial part; you’re continual efforts need to be in line with the holiness of Christ. How does that holiness look? Your efforts should be dripping with the love of God, your speech seasoned with the herbs of selflessness, and your actions motivated by the humility of submission to God the Father. The reality of the scripture is clear; without holiness no one will see the Lord – that includes the person you’re making the effort towards……. and US too!


Today we are back at the table of decision making. In trying to affect the world we live in, we have to make every effort to be at peace and show the peace of God to EVERYONE and be holy while doing so! Will you take up your position as one who is actively following this command or will you continue to blend in and do what the world does? Think about it and choose wisely. Depending on how your living and what you’re presenting to people it will either help others see the Lord or not. More importantly, if people aren’t seeing the Lord through your life, are you really making the effort to have him in your own life? We’ll be praying that your decision is in line with the will of God and is toward making every effort to please him – even in this chaotic world. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!

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