Galatians 5:22-23

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Gal. 5:22-23 – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Yesterday we had a chance to examine what should dwell in our hearts if we’re being taught by God’s word. We saw how those teachings should motivate us to help one another become wiser in the gospel and how it will ultimately produce a gratitude to God for his grace and mercy. So how does this all look in real life?

One of the great things about God is that he deals with us in layers. The layers AREN’T for him, just so you know. They are for us. They help us monitor our growth and give us insight on what we may need to work on or help someone else with. This is key when we want to understand what God is trying to build in us. We are temples. Christ dwells in us. Doesn’t the temple need to be safe for the Son of God to enter? The ideal is that apart from God, in our sinful state, we are raggedy, torn down buildings and the devil is a slumlord!

When Jesus comes in with his purchase of the property (buying our lives/souls with his blood) he already knows that he’s going to have to renovate – FROM THE FOUNDATION!!!!!!! Please get that point!!! Please.

One building block at a time God has to reformat our minds, attitudes, thoughts, wants, desires, actions and I could keep on going forever! These layers help us to see Jesus’ progress as He creates in us a wonderfully finished structure.

I’m sure you’re wondering, “so how does this apply to the passage from today?” It is simple. When we are being taught by God’s word, we are being reconstructed into exactly what God wants us to be. There are many items that are being addressed (just like with a house). Jesus isn’t just looking at the outside of you and saying “I’ll just patch up the holes and then this will be a great temple”. NO! Jesus looks at us saying, “Ok, I need to start from the ground up! Everything has to go; I need everything new – exactly the way I want it!” As the teachings of his principles are being addressed, he’s also working on getting you to start using what you’ve been taught! No one builds a house and says “It’s finished, now let’s just look at it forever but never let anyone move in”. What use is that? After the foundation is laid, it’s time to start walking on it, making sure it’s strong, able to take the weight of the rest of the building and ultimately able to weather the storms of life.

Our passage today is the next step from yesterday’s meditation. After God is dwelling in you (checking out the building and tearing down the mess), teaching you how to live with respect to his teachings (laying the foundation), moving you to help others in gratitude (happy about the work being done on your house)…….it should produce what our passage today points to.

One of the ways you know you’re growing in God’s principles is by the evidence which Paul calls “the fruit of the Spirit”. Where is your happiness of knowing that you’re nasty house (life) is being renovated? Where is your peace of mind knowing you have a great & skilled contractor, who won’t cheat you working on your house (life), but will make it last forever? Where is your kindness to the worker who is not only doing the work but has paid for all of the materials and isn’t going to send you a bill when he’s finished? Where is the faithfulness that not only will the job get done, but it will get done right? Where is the joy for seeing your new house (life) completed?

What is being built in your life today? IF God is your contractor, there should be an ever increasing amount of these attributes in your life as you see your house (life) completely being made over and beautifully renewed. If it is not, we pray that today begins your journey of getting the right contractor to your dwelling. Think about it, what God builds will never fall. Get the contractor that will enhance not only your life now, but the one to come. Have a great day and be well. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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