Ephesians 4:32

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Ephesians 4:32 – Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Many of us know that because Jesus Christ came to this earth we are given the opportunity to have a relationship with God again. This restoration was made possible by a price being paid for our sins and the power of it was in the resurrection. Now that you’re a believer, let’s look at the terms of the deal!

In every deal or transaction, there are services or goods that are exchanged from each party in the deal to ensure all parties have gotten a good deal. What was on the table; in our possession we had a ton of sin piled up (yikes), certain death and the certainty of punishment and eternal separation from God. Jesus, in his possession has salvation from our sins (totally taken away-never heard from again), restoration of the broken relationship with God and eternity in heaven with him. Here was the deal for the ages: JESUS: “I’ll die for all of those sins and everyone else’s and give you a life of freedom and a promise to live with me in heaven”. US: “Cool! Thank you Jesus!!”. Before the hand shake – now let’s discuss the TERMS OF OUR AGREEMENT: JESUS: “For me doing all that I’m going to do for you, you must live a life that I will dictate. You must follow my commands, hold to all that I will teach you and be available for my service all the days of your life. You must continually seek me out and make other aware of this deal I’ve made with you because I want them to come to the knowledge that this deal is done and is available to them as well. I will honor my end of the bargain of this agreement if they will accept my terms!”. US: “Whatever you want, I will do it!”.

Pretty amazing, right? However, I feel like (clears throat), no I know Jesus got the short end of the stick (fortunately that’s why we rely on God’s understanding and not our own) – He took on the sins of the entire world and all we have to do is obey his commands & seek his righteousness…..as long as we live….

Application: The scripture today is a reminder of the deal that was made for us all. Our question is 1) have you accepted the deal of a lifetime? 2) Have you been holding up your end of the bargain? We have been asked for something that was already stipulated in the deal: “Be kind and compassionate and to forgive others as God has forgiven you through Christ”. What changes in your life today do you need to make to get back on track with seeing through your part of the deal?

Our prayer today is that we begin to look at God’s commands not as a burden but an opportunity to show that we’re honorable in our dealings with him and that we take our commitment to him seriously. Christian people stand up! We have to stop breaking our end of the bargain….. Lord, how lost would we be if you decided not to hold up your end of the bargain?

Be blessed and move in the knowledge of the gospel. If you call yourself a child of God, hold up you end of the deal you’ve made with your Father. If not, simply make the deal with Him this day! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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