Ephesians 4:29

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Ephesians 4:29 – Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

We have all experienced that person or situation that has irritated us. In some instances it has made us “blow our tops” or give someone “a piece of our minds”. Now, who am I to tell you to let something go by the wayside, however, let’s examine what God thinks about these challenging times and experiences.

Whenever we’re on the ropes of life challenging situations, this is a great opportunity for us to allow what we’ve learned, what we believe in and the “practice what we preach” principle to come forth as an absolute second nature response.

When we claim God/Jesus but act in a manner that isn’t representative of someone affected by the life-changing effects of Christ, we give people a reason to assume that there is no hope… let alone any hope for them. Remember you are Christ’s ambassador. You represent the King.

How embarrassing do you think it is when you go to your company’s off-site meeting with corporate officials and have 3 too many drinks? The reality is it isn’t just embarrassing for your company but for you as well. It results in a lack of trust, being seen in an unflattering manner and most likely will cost you something (your job).

Well the same can be said of how we talk around non-believers and those we’re supposed to be setting an example for. You embarrass yourself, people don’t trust you to be a person of integrity, you have officially given someone a leg to stand on for calling you a hypocrite and most importantly, you have made God look bad and potentially lost a soul that would have/could have been saved for Christ sake.

We all have to do better. We need to be able to monitor our mouths, actions and set examples that point to Christ’s grace working in your life not the lack thereof. We pray that this message helps to give you a biblical reason to be an encourager vs a destroyer; a builder up vs a tear-er (if that’s even a word) down; a person changed vs the same old nasty you. With God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26), put that on display for others to gravitate to for Christ’s sake. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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