Ephesians 4:26-27

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Ephesians 4:26-27 – “In your anger do not sin”; Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and don not give the devil a foothold.

How do you react when someone messes over you? How do you treat them after the fact? Do you ever truly get over that hurt and if not, why not?

These questions are real and they set us up for one of two responses in dealing with other or being able to deal with new people who enter into our lives. If you’re anything like me, it’s easy to hold a grudge against someone who has wronged me or maliciously sabotaged something I care for. I’m nowhere near in this area but I do make a conscious effort to allow God’s word to prevail when faced with these circumstances.

One of the tricks of the enemy is to have you in direct opposition of the word of God. When we allow ourselves to give into anger specifically, it gives the devil something he can use to keep us in a festering, angry and suspicious state. It doesn’t allow us to forgive others nor try to get to an apology or understanding so we can move passed the hurt. When we hold onto our anger and various other hurts, they also take root in our spirits. This is exceptionally bad for Christians because now you can’t even give people any time of the day; let alone deal with conflict that may arise. The result is now what the scripture points to as a “foothold”. The enemy has this hold on you (your anger) and you don’t know how to let it go or get free from the trap.

Now let me clarify, being angry isn’t a bad thing; well at least not until it causes you to sin. Being indignant about God’s business is what Jesus displayed himself in the temple as he look at how they treated his Father’s house. Even in his being upset, he didn’t sin. You never once read about how Jesus said his first curse words or how he started slapping the people or even how he kept a grudge after making his peace. Jesus let the people know what was wrong, how it made him feel, that it shouldn’t be tolerated and that was that! Jesus knew he was dealing with sinners and people who needed to be put back on the right path. He didn’t allow himself to see the happenings in the temple, not say anything, and then go sleep on it so the devil could prey on his thoughts to make him do something out of character. NO, he faced the situation head on, in that moment and did not sin. How about you?

As Christian believers we have the same obligation, not only to the body of believers but to everyone we encounter in this life. We can’t open ourselves, our homes and our families and friends to the attacks of the enemy by sinning in our anger by holding onto resentment or ill feelings when we can deal with them, get done with it and move on to loving sinners as Jesus did to us. We’re all going to make mistakes but how much of a blessing would it be to help each other correct our shortcomings rather than allow our anger to drive division among God’s people. We MUST get better.

Jesus’ example for us in many things is clear and today isn’t any different. Our prayer today is that we let go of our anger or if we have any, that we don’t allow it to cause us to sin. Jesus was right in his anger but still never sinned and kept no grudge against the people because he knew that the devil could use it against him. Don’t let the enemy use our anger against us; it could be the difference between someone coming to Christ and you pushing them away….which do you think the enemy really wants to happen?

Be strong and allow the love of Jesus to radiate through you. His example to us isn’t just for marveling but for modeling. Build your spiritual character based on Christ. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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