Ecclesiastes 11:5

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Ecclesiastes 11: 5 – As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

We are beings that are very inquistive. We want to know how everything works, why something does what it does and can we modify or create something new. We strive to gain more and more knowledge only to still miss out on the things that are most meaningful.

Daily we try to set our paths in the motion of where we believe that we’re supposed to be in the future. We hustle and at time practically destroy ourselves in the hopes that we achieve that which we desire. However, in life, we’re always at the mercy of what is intended.

No one can truly know why everything in their life happens. Why a close family member dies or why you lost that job? Why did you leave so late on such an important day or why didn’t your “big deal” get completed? I think it’s safe to say that not many people go throughout life trying to sabotage their own plans. As we say, things happen!

Well what makes things happen if we’re doing everything that we believe to be right? Why are things or do things seemingly go wrong when we’ve put a plan in place to be successful? Maybe because we’re truly not in control and although we have a vision of what we want to be or do in life, that may not be in God’s ultimate plan.

There is a question that goes, “How do you make God laugh?” “You tell Him your plans!” The passage today reminds us that we are in a very vulnerable state with we attempt to implement our plans in life. The reality is that none of us can perdict what our future has for us. In the same light, none of us can question or understand what God is trying to do in our lives when we come across situations that we haven’t planned for.

Take for instance the questions I posed earlier. You ask, “why did my grandmother have to die?” Maybe God’s answer is because He wanted you to understand life is short and you needed to get back to the church so He can speak to you. You ask, “why did I lose my job?” Well maybe God knew that you we’re where you were supposed to be and you weren’t going to leave so He helped move you to where He needed you to be. You ask, “why did I have to leave late this morning?” Probably because God was sparing your life once again because there was a huge accident you would have been apart of had you left on time… and so on and so forth.

Today we have to get to a place as Christians that we are trusting in God no matter whether we understand what is going on or not. We will NEVER be able to truly comprehend why certain things happen in our lives and honestly some things aren’t for us to know the answer to now. Trusting in God is making a decision to roll with whatever it is you’re going through and learn the lessons as you go through it and come out of it. You may be one of these people who is searching for answers and trying to understand what God is doing in your life. Although we don’t know what that is, I’m sure it could be to bring Himself back into focus in your life. If God is trying to get your attention today, don’t ignore Him, He may be trying to save you from yourself. We don’t understand what He’s doing all the time, but I’d bet money that He’s trying to make our lives better through a relationship with Him. Understand that! As you go into your weekend, let’s stop asking the question, “God, what are you doing?” and replace it with “God, I submit to you, show me what you want me to do and direct me until I reach your destination.” Have great weekend and if you want to begin your journey with Jesus as your tour guide, DaySpring Christian Center is open and available to help you start. Come by and check us out this Sunday morning at 11am at 16115 S. Denker Ave in Gardena, CA 90247. Get the answer to the only question that truly matters; “God, what would you have me to do?” In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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