Deuteronomy 8:17-18

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Deuteronomy 8:17-18 – You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

In our society today we have accomplished more than what we could have ever imagined. Our advancements in technology and design have use on the verge of creating human beings through the process of cloning. I’m sure we would be marveled at in ancient times.

We’ve amassed so much knowledge and so much understanding of our universe but do we attribute these things to be the allowance and promises of our God and Lord Jesus Christ? The bible speaks of this and even Jesus talks about our ability to do way more than he could during his time (John 14:12). That is prophecy in itself! Jesus was prophetically letting us know that we will be able to advance the kingdom of God much better than he could. You wonder how this could be so because Jesus isn’t walking this Earth any longer. Well, these same advancements in knowledge, wisdom and technology are part of the equation!! Just think of how you’re receiving this devotional today… because of God allowing these advancements (wealth for some because of their knowledge to manipulate coding) to occur, Christians can reach millions of people – believer or non-believer, through the power of social media and technology. Your currently living Jesus’ prophetic words as you’re reading this! Thank you Jesus for being truth in all things!

Now, do you believe that in this moment, you’re witnessing prophecy? I hope so… the reality is that we didn’t have anything to do with this! This isn’t happening because we’re so much better than the people of Jesus’ time. We’re not more equipped than those of Jesus’ time. We are in every sense only living out what Jesus said back then would actually happen!! God has made this very moment happen……right now! It is by his allowance and ability that we have these portals to share our faith, to gain wealth and to live freely!

We pray that you actually recognize the significance of this. For those who are skeptical, here is a bit of proof that Jesus’ words not only rings true but are active today and it is by his words, allowance and testimony that all we have (personally or collectively) is because of him!

Today, let’s not forget about God and how he has given us all we need and could use – not just for ourselves but for mankind and the advancement of his kingdom. So the next time you think about yourself as being the source of your own wealth, prestige, esteem or prominence, consider who gave you the ability to do what it is you do so well and how you’ve made it to where you are in life. I believe wholeheartedly that as God’s hand is over us all, we have a responsibility to acknowledge him for all he has allowed or enabled us to do. What gives you that drive you have? What helps you to push through situations and circumstances? Where do you get the energy to keep fight? In all of these things and more, let us thank God and give him praise for enabling us. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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