Deuteronomy 15:7-8

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Deuteronomy 15:7-8 – If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. Rather, be openhanded and freely lend them whatever they need.

In our Christian body of believers we have a lot of responsibilities. We have responsibilities to our friends to set Christian standards for living and convictions that should encourage them to adapt a godly mindset or at least respect ours. We have responsibilities to our families to show them the love of Christ and make our homes a reflection of Christ’s love. We even have a responsibility to strangers to be the only bible that some of them may ever read. This Christian life presents many responsibilities and all of them as equally important as the responsibility we have to one another as believers.

It is our duty, each of our duties, to be there for one another just as we would be there for any other person. Even more so because our need for one another has soul implications. We are fighting daily to help one another stay faithful and be in obedience to the scriptures. If it is hard for us to do it on our own, it would only make sense to enlist help of likeminded people to keep you encouraged. The responsibility of holding one another up is so crucial. If we hold back from those who are in the fight with us we risk alienating the very group of people that would or should help protect us in this spiritual battle.

Imagine for a moment that you are a soldier in the army. Your fellow soldier loses his weapon and is in the thick of the battle. Do you tell him, “sorry bro, I’ve only got a knife and I need it for when my ammo runs out”? OR do you share your weapon and devise a plan to get more ammo, while protecting one another? I submit to you that your thought is to help your fellow man be equipped for whatever may come their way. The bond of soldiers isn’t defeated by circumstances but made more concrete because of them. In the same way, we as fellow believers need to be willing to display our concrete relationships by our ability to be giving, sacrificial and bonded to one another through our service in the body of Christ.

Today, we don’t want you to wait for situations or circumstances to cause your heart to leave your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in need or want but be in tune enough and willing enough to help supply their need while their deficient.  Remember God gives us everything that we need, with that example we should be willing to give to others as freely as he has given to us, especially those that are a part of his body. Christian family, let’s have each others back’s in this life. We’re all in this spiritual battle together, let’s start acting like it and to God be the glory. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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