Colossians 4:5-6

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Colossians 4:5-6 – Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

We’ve all heard the cliché saying “actions speak louder than words” right? Well, have you considered what your lack of godly action is doing to those who are outside of the faith? I know it’s easy enough to say but we have to really be conscience of how we conduct ourselves to those who may be on their own journey of intersecting with Jesus. Each time we are out and about we are being used by God (if you consider yourself a Christian) to showcase the attributes of Jesus and the love he has for us. Do you look at that as a burden or an opportunity? Whenever you get a chance to share the news of Christ and salvation, you should be excited and seize your opportunity to shine for God!

People, parents mainly, have long used the phrase “do as I say, not as I do”. The problem with that is we are people who follow examples. Think about it, when you go to a new job, do they give you a manual on how to complete the task you’ve been assigned or do they have someone train you? The trainer is your visual point of reference to use so that you can follow the steps for success but also know that the task is possible to complete.

As Christians, this has to be our mindset as well. We have to be well equipped trainers of biblical principles that others can see and mimic. We have to help others outside of the faith to gain the confidence they need to get God’s work done. This only happens by our example; how we act which displays that living for God and by Jesus’ commands is a possible life to live!

Also in that, talk isn’t cheap either. Not only do our actions have to be able to stand up to biblical truths, how we talk about those truths or anything at all for that matter should be palatable. We shouldn’t be the people others hear cursing out folks or bad mouthing our bosses. Remember the say “if you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all”, well for the Christian believer, “you should always have something good to say, because you have something to say after all!” Our words coupled with our actions can suggest to a non-believer if we truly believe in the stuff we talk about or claim. If you’ve found yourself sharing your faith and people aren’t motivated to come check out what’s changing you, you might not be setting a good example. Think about it, if a rich person showed you how to make it to millionaire status, you’d follow every example he gave you in hopes of achieving the same goal. Is it weird that you wouldn’t follow the examples of someone who you knew to have been a millionaire and lost it all? In the same way, it’s not weird for someone not to want God in their life if you can’t show them how good he looks in your life!

Today, we pray that we begin to assess our actions and the way we talk and be sure that it leads people to God not away from him. We have been given the power to answer a lot of questions with living a Christ-centered life. What examples will you display in this life that will answer any question someone will need to know based solely off of your actions and speech? Prayerfully it is that Jesus lives in you and you’re a living sacrifice for God. Let’s be wiser today and every day, someone’s soul is depending upon it! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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