Colossians 2:9-10

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Colossians 2:9-10 – For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.

A major question in the lives of those looking for answers about this life is “Who is Jesus?” Was he just a man? Was he God? Was he just a spiritual man who was a little crazy and tricked a lot of people?  Is he really that significant? Well I’ll ask you, what do you think?

The bible is consistent and absolute in its depiction and identity of who Jesus Christ was. For those of us who know, this will be a refresher course. For the rest of us, let us examine. Without getting extra deep, Jesus Christ was God….in the flesh. He wasn’t an offshoot of God; He embodied the full power, authority and existence of God – masked by flesh here on Earth. God as the supreme Deity is the triune Deity made up of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let me say that again, the triune Deity that is God is made up of three distinct members which hold three distinct responsibilities. Simply put God is our perfection in Heaven, Jesus is our perfection on Earth, and the Holy Spirit is our perfection from within – meaning it convicts us and truly ministers to us between the right and wrong things we do in our daily lives; it is our moral compass or conscious that alarms when we go against his nature – God’s nature.

The beauty in this is that all of God originates from the spiritual/heavenly realm. It’s truly exciting, why? Let’s see: Each member of the Deity of God acts on the interest of the other. They are solely influenced by the selflessness of the other to ultimately give glory to the one! This is perfect harmony and unity. As each is in the other, so the whole is complete. Stay with me here – As God is in Jesus and Jesus is in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is in God, they are all one authority. Now for us as humans, if we have the Holy Spirit living in us and the manifestation of Jesus living through us, people should absolutely be able to see God from our lives. As we are Jesus (covered by his blood), so the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts continually convicting, changing and renewing our spirits, we become full of God himself. NO WE DO NOT BECOME GOD!!!!!!!!! We begin and continue to become like God as exampled by Jesus as we allow his teachings and principles to shape our lives, actions, decisions, wants and desires – which once again act on the interest of the One – God. We are connected with God and brought into the family (God’s fullness) where God should be the ultimate power and authority over your life and working solely in your life.

Now this is the part that has convicted me today: Who has the overwhelming authority in my life? It’s not hard for me to answer when I look at how I live, what I consider as important, who I hang around, how I talk, how I treat people, or if people even see any God in me at all. It’s a hard pill to swallow…excuse me for a sec….. GULP!


Today however, by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, we can make a change in what we are full of, who has the authority in our lives and how we’re going to go forward from this moment on. We pray that your motivation is to be one with Christ so as He is one with God, so shall we be. Allow his power and authority to be over every aspect of your life to ensure that you’re full of that which is of God, not anything else. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!

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